March 25, 2014


This is a new series called -  "Morning BEAUTY Routine" - it's all about what YOU put on your face every morning.  For me, it's pretty simple, although my husband would disagree.  He always wonders why I have so many beauty products.  Then like most men he asks me, "Do you really need all this stuff?" My response is "no, but you never know when it will come in handy."

I normally buy 2 different eye creams & although this Estee Lauder is my current fave (which I got for free), I also really love the Revitalizing eye-cream by Restorsea.  If used correctly, eye-creams can actually last a long time, saving you lots of money. Because let's face it, eye-creams aren't cheap. However, when you're 40 like I am (& everything starts to dry up) they come in handy! Below I'll go more in depth on the rest of the products I use each morning!

Like many of you - I had been spending top dollar $$$ on liquid foundations like Laura Mercier & Chanel.  Well, not anymore. Ever since Garnier came out with their BB Cream - I was hooked. I started to add up all the monies I spent on foundation in the last several years, and gulp! However, BB cream just recently came into the scene, so it wasn't even available to me when I was 24.  Ok, so For $12.99 you can enjoy this multi-benefit product. It gives you awesome skin coverage as well as brightens complexion, evens skin tone (my fave), hydrates & also has sunscreen! 

I remember I was introduced to Cetaphil by a masseuse in Philadelphia. I ordered it immediately and was surprised at how well it worked. Before this, my skin would get oily.... especially around my period.  But I swear, I rarely see oily skin anymore!  It's definitely been a life-saver in that sense. I've had acne-prone skin most of my life, even at this age, can you believe it? Anyone else with me?  If you have acne, you MUST try this. This foam wash removes makeup really well & never leaves my face dry. Will not stop using this, I'm hooked!

This is the only toner I use everyday. It's a holistic skin care product that helps diminish signs of blemishes, large pores & oily skin. It feels refreshing when sprayed on my face & never feels drying. Its not like some toners that when sprayed on face, your face feels tight, it feels natural and smells nice too!

The Earth Science Tonic mist is another toner + mositurizer I use off & on.  I tend to spray it after my makeup, for a nice glow.  Most people tend to spray it before makeup...which is fine too. However you use it, I love it! It's also oil-free, which all of the products I use tend to be. I do like that it's Paraben free & has no animal ingredients. I am working on this...for all my daily use products.

This is by far my favorite sunscreen by Skin Ceuticals.  It's in the high price range for sunscreen, but if you just dab on very little, it should last you awhile. It's also paraben-free & carries an SPF protection for the face, not bad huh? I wear this even when there is no sun out - which is most of the time here in NYC. It def provides all-day hydration, which I think is important when choosing a a sunscreen. Have you tried this brand?

- If you're a blogger & would love to be part of this series, email us pics of your FAVE morning beauty facial products & a pic or two of yourself.  If we like what you sent, we will invite you to participate!!!! 

-post by jen ramos


  1. Great post!!!
    You have a great blog, follow you now.
    I hope you reciprocity in Bloglovin!
    Kisses :)

  2. Loved reading this, I have never tried BB cream although I've heard so many good things about it, you have now convinced me to buy some!

    I hope you don't mind me saying but I cannot believe you are 40!! I have been aware of your blog since I started blogging about 5 years ago but I totally assumed you were in your are beautiful!

  3. I love a good BB cream! Like you, I would spend extra money on one more expensive, but I agree with you - the Garnier one is really, really good. Will definitely be using more of it now that I don't need extra coverage.

    You got me intrigued about the Cetaphil foam wash and Dr Hauschka toner - they sure sound like products I would benefit from, as my complexion is a bit oily and plays up a bit every now and then. I definitely need to invest in them once my other products finish. Thanks for the recommendations!

  4. Can't wait to try some of these. Trying to rally up some new items for my spring skin scare.

    Maggie A

  5. Simone- so nice of you thanks. ! Yes a lot of people are surprised to find out I'm 40... But it's true :)
    As for BB cream- I would not turn back to foundation after this - the coverage is just as good if not better ... And it's got sunscreen etc. Best thing is that it's so affordable. ;)

  6. Nice to see posts like this!
    XO IDM

  7. Jen you always look so stunning & this post is gorgeous!! I ♥ the blog!
    Please check out my blog if you ever have a moment :) xo

  8. Great new series Jen. My routine has definitely cost me more money then ever, but I like the changes I have seen in my skin since using them. Different products work for different people. The Garnier product definitely has my curiosity picked, hope they sell it in Canada.

  9. Great new series Jen. I spend a lot of money on my routine but it is working and I do like the changes I see in my skin. Love the sounds of the Garnier product hopefully they sell it here in Canada. I know what you mean about the 40 thing too :)

  10. I'm also a fan of Cetaphil, although I haven't tried this wash yet (I use the super gentle original formula on myself and my 4-year old). Will definitely have to try this one 'cause I get oily too, especially in warm weather. Thanks for sharing!
    xx, Angelica

  11. @GAURI- Aww Thank you & i will def take a look at your blog.

  12. Love this blog post! Sounds like we have the same skin so I think I need to go and try everything you've mentioned here! Does the BB cream have good heavy coverage?

  13. I love BB cream of Garnier too!

  14. Do you ever use an exfoliator?

  15. @leah b: I don't use exfoliator very often..maybe once a week. By skin ceutiucals.

  16. @janine jackson:
    I'd say it has pretty good coverage. You will still need an under eye concealor for dark circles/tired eyes...but Garnier BB cream had very good coverage...doesnt look cakey at all.

  17. omg! I can't beleive you have oily/ acne prone skin...your skin looks flawless!! I've always struggled with the same issue- approaching my 35th bday next month...I'm happy to say I finally found my perfect skin regime break out free! I use two products that you use- Cetaphil and Skinceuticals. Cetaphil was recommended by my dermatologist, I then apply Acanya followed by my favorite moisturizer yet, which is Peter Thomas Roth Ulta-Lite Oil Free and then I use Arbonne's tinted moisturizer which has SPF. In the summer when I'm darker, I use Skinceuticals as an SPF. I'm thinking about using the BB cream you use to give it a try. Twice a week I use Clean & Clear's Blackhead Eraser which was also recommended by dermatologist. At night, I wash with Cetaphil again and use Epiduo and I reapply moisturizer. I love your your blog, but I am especially happy with this one about skin! I'll take pictures of the products and pictures of myself and send to you. Stay well!

  18. @jaklyn- funny! I also use Acanaya prescription for my face. Since it was prescription I didn't technically include it.. I tend to use it every 3 days. Thanks for sharing!


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