April 16, 2013

New Paris Prints

Welcome back to Monday! Hope you had a great few days off! Is a vacation on your mind lately? I've always wanted to visit Paris. What about you??  So much so, that I was inspired to create a few French prints. Oui.  These are truly the smallest prints MadeByGirl has ever done, and we love them! Each print is 5"x7" and the background is a bright CORAL with metallic GOLD letters. If this isn't a gorgeous color combo I don't know what is! 

So, if you want to spice up the walls in your home or office or even in your closet, these will fit pretty much anywhere! You can buy one, two or all four as a set! If you buy 4 - you save $6. I highly recommend getting them framed in the gold metal frame.


Tip - to really see the gold, make sure you face the prints directly toward the natural light.


  1. Fabulous prints! Love the pretty and chic color combo!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend, Jen!


  2. These are pretty...I am happy to be follower number 15001. Have a wonderful week!


  3. Loving these new prints my dear! The coral and gold is just gorgeous together, I actually have that very combination on my nails at the moment :)

    We're planning to move place in the not too distant future, but after we do I'll be sure to be placing an order for some new art for my place.

    Hope you had a lovely weekend!

    Amelia xxx

    PS: Come say hello at Ducklingtoswan.com! :) x

  4. I'm in vacation mode literally ALL the time lately. The weather here in Minnesota has been itching to visit some place that is warm. Even New York sounds just plain heavenly right now.

    These prints are gorgeous!!! Definitely going to try and buy a couple for my room.

    Mostly Lisa

  5. These look great! Any chance you'll be making navy blue and gold prints? It's one of my favorite colors to pair with gold.

  6. These are great! Any chance you'll be making navy blue and gold prints?

  7. These look great! Any chance you'll be making navy blue and gold prints?

  8. These are great Jen! You are inspiring me to open a print shop. Being a graphic designer too I think you are smart and have the right idea. Instead of doing work for other people and designing on demand. Design what you want and let them come to you! Great!

    Ali of


  9. LOVE the coral as a background to the gold! How fun!

    Over the Moon

  10. J'adore the color combination and gradation!

  11. SO cute!!! Loving these new prints!

    XO Lily
    gold & gray

  12. Love these! I wish I had an office so I could put these on my wall!

  13. Love your new prints! I love coral and gold together! Have you thought about aqua and gold together? I think that would be a great color combo too. Wish I could be in Paris right now as well, learning French right now to prepare for my trip there soon! :)
    Hope you had a fun weekend Jen!

  14. I love the colors you choose! I'm going to Paris in 2 years and I can't wait!!! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  15. It's been wayyyyy to long since I have visited your lovely neck o' the woods! These prints are GORGEOUS hun! My two FAVES together, peach/pink and gold! yum....:)

  16. Um, ces sont amazing. Cannot wait to put one in my office. Merci, Jen!! xo, Stephanie | CovetLiving.com

  17. Gorgeous!! I want all of them.


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com