April 17, 2013

Maldives Rangali Islands: Underwater Hotel Rooms

Newlyweds tend to go somewhere tropical or at least somewhere where they're surrounded by incredible views for their honeymoon, but have you ever thought of spending your honeymoon below the Indian Ocean??

The Maldives Rangali Island Resort makes it possible. The glass domed aquarium is actually a restaurant, but they turn it into a luxurious suite for honeymoon bookings!

This is now on the top of my bucket list, definitely a once in a lifetime experience. 

Would you sleep in a hotel room that was underwater?


  1. This looks amazing!!

    Ali of


  2. What an awesome place! The fish are beautiful!

  3. That looks amazing! We just returned from our honeymoon in Morocco, and I'm thinking a 2nd honeymoon is in order! I've been wanting to head to Maldives for a while, and now that it's only 4 hours away, there's no excuse not to go. Thanks for sharing x

  4. I've seen this on pinterest before and would LOVE to stay here. I don't think I'd get much sleep because I would want to stay up all night watching the fish.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  5. I would love to stay there! Beautiful!


  6. I have always thought this looked incredible! Although I have to admit, I would need a big girl pour of wine to get over the anxiety of being underneath that much water.

  7. Yes! I would be there in a heart beat!

  8. This is definitely on my bucket list as well - I can't fathom how amazing this would be!

  9. Wow, not sure that I could fall asleep in a room like that. But I would definitely eat in that restaurant! Amazing :-)

  10. @COBY KUTCHER: I agree! it would be cool at first and pretty surreal i bet.

  11. I might be a little too claustrophobic even though it looks so pretty. Would you?

  12. I think I could manage a couple of hours for dinner, but the thought of sleeping with the fishes (no pun intended) freaks me out a little.

  13. @ANGELA: Haha i guess you never know what else is down there, especially at night right?

  14. wanna go there! hihihi
    are there any sharks?


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