February 15, 2013

DIY: Bead and Hardware Bracelet

Hello Made by Girl readers! It's Stephanie from Henry Happened back with another DIY project. If there's one thing I love, it's making bracelets. 

And these are so insanely easy you won't be able to make just one. Read on for the how-to! 

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With spring soon upon us I wanted a bracelet that was light, simple and stackable. Doesn't this time of year make you want to clean out all the closets and purge everything? 

When you're spring cleaning you might just find you already have most of the materials you need for this DIY. If not, it's a good excuse for a trip to Home Depot.

DIY Bead and Hardware Bracelets


To make your own bracelets you will need:
  • Stretch Magic (found at any craft store)
  • Small wooden beads (Hobby Lobby is my favorite source for these)
  • 8mm gold hex nuts
  • Gold spikes are optional but make a fun addition
  • Scissors

Start by stringing your beads and hex nuts onto the Stretch Magic. This stuff is super easy to work with. It feels kind of like fishing line but with stretch. My pattern was two beads followed by a hex nut, using about 10 beads. 

Measure your wrist to make it the length you need. Give it a bit of extra room though so it's not too tight. If it's too small the beads will stretch apart too much, exposing the cord.


Once you are done stringing cut the Stretch Magic and knot it. Follow the package directions on making the knots because you don't want it to come undone.


Clip the ends and you're done! Then you'll say, 'That was so easy, let's make more!' And before you know it, you're addicted to making bracelets. There really ought to be a hotline for that. 


You can make all kinds of patterns with the beads and hex nuts. And definitely add some spikes for a little edge. You can't go wrong with spikes, right?

 -images Stephanie Gerber


  1. Wow these bracelets are very do-able and very pretty!!! I have an AC Moore coupon I think I now know what to use it on!! =)

  2. I love this look! I might have to try and recreate this over the weekend! Great job!

  3. I love this look! I may have to recreate this over the weekend. Great post!

  4. So cute!!! Thanks for sharing!
    What a simple and yet great idea!

  5. I love the look of 'raw' wood in jewellery something so clean and elegant about it :-) plus the spikes add a grungy edge xx


  6. Nice!!! Love it! Great weekend to you!!

  7. cool! this is awesome def. making this. love the hardware ecspecially! and it looks great on you. p.s. hope you will stop by my blog and join the awesome Smashbox Cosmetics giveaways I have going on right now over at my blog! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @ www.gigikkitchen.blogspot.com

  8. this is one of my favorite diys! its something i would definitely wear :)

  9. Love this! So cool. xo, Julie

  10. I love it...cute bracelets..


  11. wow this truely looks amazing! simple but impressive love it!

    enjoy your weekend.


  12. Such a great idea! Who knew you could find jewelry at the hardware store :)

    //Birdie Shoots//

  13. You did such a good job on this bracelet! It looks really nice.

  14. stephanie's blog is such an awesome one, she always has great diy projects that are cheap and very in with the trends right now and this is another one!

  15. Stephaniiieeeee this is such a cute DIY! I love the color combinations you picked as well. It would go well with almost any outfit. <3

  16. These are great and also look very simple to make! Fab idea...xv



  17. Great work! love seeing your post :)
    Visit my blog:


  18. Pretty cool DIY. I really like both.

    Maggie A
    Love Scrapbook

  19. Great idea & super cute!

  20. Cute idea! I'm definitely making me one...or two or three!


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