November 12, 2012

Made By Girl now on Instagram!!

Many of you have asked if MadeByGirl was on Instagram. Well, I was.

However, it was a private account with family photos & so on. A couple days ago I asked my assistant Daisy, to revamp it & allow you guys to follow.  Sometimes when I get sooo caught up in work, I don't realize how popular things are getting. I almost let this pass me by! #OHMYGosh

But nonetheless, I'm now on Instagram & you can follow me here if you like.

I update almost everyday & most of the pics you will  only see there & NOT on my blog. See you there!


Are you on Instagram? Do you use it often?


  1. Oh that pasta meal looks soo delicious!!! <3

  2. Love it Jen! I am on there but have been terrible at using it!! I need to get on board, it's passing me by too!

    Nancy xox

  3. I love IG. So much more fun than Twitter. I like that I can follow friends and family and get a quick look into what they are up to.

  4. Love Instagram! I just did a whole Instagram collage on our trip to Europe!

    Check it out:

    xo Kelsey

  5. I'm not on it yet but I think I'm going to jump on this bandwagon sooner than later! It seems cool! =)Maybe my pictures will see the light of day instead of just being on my memory cards! =P


  6. How wonderful Jen! I love instagram. I will add Made By Girl to my following list. If you'd like to follow me, my handle is fourthstreet. xo. Jamy

  7. Ooh going to follow you now! I've become seriously addicted to it and I love that it makes me see little details I was blind to before.

  8. I just saw on Twitter that you posted an instagram pic. I'm so glad you're back on it and I'm following you now because you are amazing! Yay!

  9. I LOVE instagram, I use it just about every day

  10. MARIVIC: aw thank you! I'll look for you!

  11. Yay! Welcome aboard! I love IG, there are so many beautiful images people capture from their day to day. It's so convenient to take a quick snapshot with our phones since they are always on us. (for me at least :P)

  12. I sat on that same sliding bench in vegas! It is so cool.
    The Enjoy writting on the coffee is so brilliant.


  13. I have got to get with it! It's on my to do list!

  14. So glad you have an IG account. I use it more than twitter and facebook. I don,t know why but I feel I connect more there than in other social media platforms. Following you now! :)

  15. I love Instagram!! Definitely will follow!!

  16. so funny, i was wodering why i had like 50 mbg posts on my feed in a row! i had been following you from awhile ago. Welcome!

  17. so funny, i was wodering why i had like 50 mbg posts on my feed in a row! i had been following you from awhile ago. Welcome!

  18. I love seeing other creatives! I just added you :]
    stay fabulous.
    -chrisi (@ohheychrisi)

  19. Love instagram! It's a fun way to keep up with my favorite girls throughout the day :) can't wait to add you to my list!


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