September 14, 2012

Chocolate Covered Bacon

2 things I love, DARK chocolate & figs. 

Well, last night my husband made the most amazing dessert with dark chocolate & figs but he added a little twist - chocolate covered bacon! 

The entire dessert was : Challah french toast, black figs, dark chocolate drizzle & chocolate covered bacon. Amazing right?  

It was DELICIOUS! You can find the recipe for dark chocolate covered bacon strips over at his blog. Maybe you can make it this weekend! Enjoy! 

                         Have you ever had chocolate covered bacon???

-images by jen ramos


  1. I don't think it gets any better! I think I gained 5lbs just looking at it! You are such a lucky girl!

  2. I love chocolate! I love bacon! but i've never tried chocolate covered bacon! i love chocolate! I love pretzel! I love the sweet and salty combination of covered covered pretzel! so chocolate covered bacon can be a divine combination! haha

  3. Oh my... looks SO yum. :)

  4. oh my lord. anything with bacon, my boyfriend will eat. anything with chocolate I will eat. i think we met our match :)

  5. hmmm I just don't know! haha

  6. Oh my goodness! I am a fan of EVERYTHING chocolate covered (have you ever tried chocolate covered coffee beans?) and I've never had it covered in bacon. Making breakfast into a dessert? awesome idea.

  7. I love that!!! I have to try that out for myself, looks and sounds delicious.

  8. Bacon + Anything = Heaven!! Have you tried candied bacon? It's so good, it's like eating dessert.

    -Brittany of @suburbchicblog

  9. Hmm...I may just have to try this. Weird, but looks pretty good.

  10. This. Is. Genius. I am so trying this next week!


  11. That looks delicious! I've never tried it, but today my husband had a bacon cupcake, it was good! It tasted like a pancake with maple syrup, and bacon! I had a double dark chocolate cupcake! :) I LOVE dark chocolate! Do you have a favorite brand? So far, mine is Godiva!

  12. Oh no, he didn't! Bacon and chocolate...two of my favorites! I will be running to the kitchen to make this sweet/salty treat. Thanks!


  13. Yum! I cannot wait to try this combo!


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