April 18, 2012

Cocoa & Hearts News....

Hello everyone....it's the middle of the week & we decided to launch the new Cocoa & Hearts paintings today. 

So, for those of you who subscribe to the mailing list, you heard about it first!

We added 14 paintings (1 large & 13  8"x10")  to the gallery & they sold out in about 59 minutes! Yowza!

I'm always SHOCKED at how quick they go! This time we thought we'd try something different & add a timer during the checkout - which gave you 15 minutes to purchase it. When the timer ran out, it would be released to the site again & available for purchase. Not sure what everyone thought of this, but I think next time we're going to shorten the timer to 5-10 minutes. 

For those emailing me if I have anymore pieces available, I should have more next month.

Thank you to all those who have supported my work. Have a great Wednesday! 

-image by jen ramos


  1. Congrats on all the paintings selling out so fast! Your great talent is easliy recognized :)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Your Longtime Reader,
    holly foxen wells

  2. Beautiful painting and I love this picture in general. You're very artistic! xxx


  3. GOOD for YOU!!! I soooo wish I had time to paint on canvas... someday... le sigh!
    Have FUN painting!

  4. Congrats on your artwork Jen!! Everyone's loving it and for good reason. They're so lovely ;)

  5. congratulations! that's so exciting :)

  6. I always love the colors in your small paintings! I'll be keeping a closer eye on the Cocoa & Hearts mailing, in hopes of being one of the lucky buyers next time! :)

  7. Jen--that's awesome news! Congrats on all of your success.

  8. Congratulations, Jen! How exciting. I love your work ♥

  9. Wow! Congratulations! What a 'feel good' mood... congrats again! I'm surprised a local boutique store hasn't asked you to showcase in their store yet.

  10. that's really amazing that it sold quickly! The art pieces are so lovely and you can look at it longer and say again ow beautiful they are...

  11. Man! I always miss these sales. I just adore all your paintings!



  12. Wow, that's amazing, congrats! My sister really wants to buy one but she keeps missing out, they must sell so quickly! But I'm so pleased to hear you have a mailing list, you obviously need to be in quick around here so I will sign up right now! xx

    Kate {Something Fabulous}

  13. Lovely painting, even tho its simple but I guess that what makes it special. I am also planing to start painting again by May. I can not wait! Nice L.V bag mouhh

  14. Hi! Just to tell you I love your blog, your way of decorating your style ....
    jijijij ... ...
    I have a blog of DIY, I leave the link in case you want to spend ....

  15. Oh Jen good for you, that is so amazing! Those lovely paintings sell like hot cakes ;) Have so much fun with Janis as she arrives, I told her to send you a hug from me!!! Lots of love,
    Nancy xox

  16. MARCUS DESIGN: Nancy! I'm sorry haven't written back, I'm so overwhelmed with emails...and work! trying to keep up and all i can think of is the help i need! hope you're well, heard you finished school, awesome!!

  17. That's really great news! A bit sad that they sell out so fast...I've been on the end of losing one, several months ago. :( Do you any custom requests? Inquiring minds want to now.

  18. AnonymousMay 10, 2012

    Where is that chain necklace from? Love it!

  19. SARAT: Thats an old chain i bought awhile back at Express believe it or not!


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