February 28, 2012

Thanks to Ladies Home Journal

Yesterday I attended an event at the offices of Ladies Home Journal in midtown. I normally don't post stuff like this, but I thought maybe I'll start doing so....

One reason is.... I wanted to thank all the ladies from the mag, who were so kind & generous with their time. I chatted the most with Beth Roehrig (Home Editor) & Sue Erneta (Fashion editor) - are you surprised?  Somehow, I'm drawn to all the home & fashion people in the industry....figures ha!
About 9 BLOGGERS were invited to attend this event - & I was quite happy to be one of them! We're supposed to be featured in the mag in a section called "Let's talk about..." Another one of my pretty blogger friends who also got the invite was Ashlina from The Decorista blog- she's the brunette hanging out in their AMAZING kitchen below!
I hope to go to more events now that I'm living in Manhattan- so pls feel free to email me invites! Maybe I'll see you in person soon! 
Above is the new March issue...revamped. How much nicer is their logo?? Don't you think??

Ashlina & I (NOT) cooking in the kitchen.


The kitchen in their offices was HUGE. I swear it was like 4 kitchens in one. Almost too large to shoot!

Some of the many DELICIOUS sweets they had for us...! Love!

Me (on the right) hanging out with Beth (Home Editor)- loved chatting with her! 

 We all got a BIG goodie bag, filled with lots of cool items! One of my FAVE things was this handmade Stingray cuff bracelet! You can get one at Leighelena.

Ladies Home Journal is always looking for interesting stories about women. If you think you have a story that is inspiring and should be told, email me & I'll let them know! 


  1. That's awesome, what a great opportunity

  2. Very cool! How fun for you. :)

  3. Very cool! How fun for you. :)

  4. That's so awesome! I'm sure you are loving being back in NYC! You are so gorgeous; love your outfit! Thanks for sharing! =)

  5. This is AWESOME! Congrats, Jen! Can't wait for future posts like this. :)

  6. Wow, sounds great - love the cuff bracelet!!!

  7. sounds great - love the cuff !

  8. What an amazing opportunity! I so wish I lived in New York, there's always something fabulous to be a part of.

    Vonae Deyshawn

  9. so fun, JEN! NYC really is the city of opportunity. So exciting to hear about these events! xo, shari

  10. I'm sure you'll be going to much more events like this. Looks like it was a lot of fun!

  11. Oh my gosh, what a great event. I have to say I probably would have been way too stoked about those sweet treats! :)

  12. Looks like it was a very special event- and a coveted invite list! Many congrats, Jen! ;)



  13. Looks like it was a lot of fun! I especially love the Stingray cuff bracelet. Thanks for sharing!

  14. What a fun opportunity to be a part of! I hope you are loving your new city! :)

  15. That sounds like sooo much fun! I'm sure you're going to get lots of invites because little ole me gets invites here and there to some magnificent functions! If I lived in NYC it would be easy for me to attend these fun gatherings! Maybe one day...I can hop on a plane and do that! Glad you had fun! I love Ladies Home Journal!

  16. How lucky for you! You won't believe I started reading LHJ in about 1972 and learned all about Grace Kelly from that magazine. I LOVE their new logo and will pick up the new issue! Thanks for sharing Jen!

  17. Are you kidding me Jen? This post is fabulous! Thanks so much for coming to meet us!

  18. Are you kidding me Jen? This post is fabulous! Thanks so much for coming to meet us!

  19. How exciting and fun! You looked beautiful too, as always! :)

  20. You have such a blessed life. I like the new logo too, its more current.
    I love your blog and your work. Your very creative, I'm recently trying to find my way back to being creative, my imagination has been stale for too long.

  21. Jen,
    So awesome of you to share with your readers! Congrats on being part of the blogger group!

  22. How exciting to be a part of such an event!
    You and Ashlina are my absolute faves! So glad you both live near each other to put your creative heads together more ;)

    Those treats look splendid!!

    You should definitely share more posts like this!
    Love seeing your beautiful face in some pics ;)

  23. DREW: Really? im flattered...thanks! Ashlina is soo cool & sweet, im so glad we now live in the same state too!

  24. SUE ERNETA: Ha! Thanks...it was super nice to finally meet you.

  25. So fun! I bet it's reasons like these that you're so happy you moved to NYC!


  26. THIS WAS SO FUN! so excited to do more! thanks for the shout out!


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