December 7, 2011

New at Cocoa & Hearts!!

Cocoa & Hearts now has two new paintings in the gallery for sale.....& both are large! 

This one below is GOLD & black....although you can't see the gold much in these pictures, in person you will! Check them out here.

 -images by jen ramos


  1. Love your blog and your paintings/posters even more! :)

    Even made a blog about your LOVE posters on my blog! those are my def favorite ;)

    Thanks for a great blog! :)

  2. Awesome pantings, I just love how you have your blog and art all set up, great marketing!

  3. love the paintings! very keith haring-like.

  4. MR JEFFREY: Thanks. finny that sweat my guy said when he saw them..but i didn't even do it with Haring in mind, My inspiration was a turtle shell i saw that was painted in a similar manner & i loved it... :)

  5. Beeeauuutiful, Jen!! Love the black and gold combination!! Went out to get some new paints today to whip up some paintings for my family for the holidays! I have been putting it off way too long!! You've inspired me, yet again, to get off my tush and slap some paint!! ;))

  6. This might be my favorite painting you have done so far! I am putting this on my Christmas list!


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