April 6, 2011

Jenny's Dream Closet...(Via Made by Girl)

How about this for an AMAZING closet!??

We've all seen this idea of converting an entire room into a closet!  A girl's DREAM come true! Sorry guys but we need our extended shoe racks & handbag displays right girls?!  Darn, and I thought my closet was so cool...... until I saw Jenny's! 

For those who don't know about Jenny, she runs a blog called Domestic Jenny. She's a twenty-something gal who lives in a (get this) rental...who would think it was a rental right?!? 

I would've never even thought of renting with an extra room just for a closet! In fact, I figured the extra room was always for my office. This of course, was way back when I used to RENT as well.  

What else DO I think it needs??? A HUGE leopard or zebra hide, for a chic boutique look! 
What do you think?!?

below: Looks like a coffee filter DIY pendant!

I give her lots of credit for taking on this DIY project and making this space her own! You can read more about all the items in her GRAND closet here.

-Thanks Jenny!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!! So jealous. I wish I had a closet like this

  2. Love the hide idea or even a large tufted ottoman or bench in the center of the room. I love the stripes and light fixture-my clothes are now jealous!!

  3. LOVE THIS! I thought about converting a room into a closet once, but I couldn't get my husband to agree with me! haha. This closet/room just needs an ottoman and your suggestion of a chic rug in the center and it's set to go! LOVE IT!

  4. wow! I would not mind getting dressed here every morning.

    Confessions of a Purse-a-holic

  5. Your right! We all need a closet like this. Mine is a complete mess right now *hides in shame*

  6. I would really need another room just for clothes, so this is fantastic! :)

  7. Holy rockets, this is awesome!!! Alas, I am reduced to one single rack in our hiddy sliding mirror-doored closet.

  8. It's funny you mention the hide, thats actually what I'm planning for the room! That and a lovely round tufted ottoman! Thanks again for sharing my dressing room!

  9. wow!! this is fabulous. i would love to have a closet like this. fabulous.

  10. This is absolute heaven! Beautiful closet and lucky girl!

  11. Wow. Just wow. Amazing.

  12. So jealous! I need a room for a closet.

  13. Oh my! Now THAT is what I call a closet!!
    I am in love with it...and with your blog in general!
    Big fan!!

  14. Wow, this blows my mind! I live in a rental apartment and it certainly doesn't look ANYTHING like this! Jenny did a lovely job and certainly did create a DREAM closet!!

  15. I saw this yesterday and was blown away- I would KILL for a room closet- love love.

  16. Wow, this is beautiful! I'm incredibly jealous! I need to find a great way to showcase my shoes like that! xo


  17. Amazing!!! I'm totally in love with her closet!

  18. I would definitely colour coordinate my clothes if I had a closet that big. It's a gorgeous space and agreed.... a nice rug (leopard or not) would be great.

  19. I'm drooling over all of the space in this closet!

    xox Lexi
    Glitter & Pearls

  20. Fabulous! Now if I could just convince my husband we don't need our spare bedroom or office anymore! :)

  21. I loveeeeed <33

    Ivânia Diamond*

    Portuguese Fashion Blogger

  22. OMG!! It's insane!!! I really want a space like that. Is a dream *-*

  23. Wow, how gloriously extravagant! well, its a great idea for an extra room and you could even make it a combo room with an office AND a wardrobe!!

  24. So fabulous!! Makes me want to move just to have an extra room for a closet hahaha

  25. oh my goodness, this is incredible!, it is so big!! Love the little dressing room area with stripes and feathered light fitting - so fab!! xo

  26. ummm..she is a genius! And, I like here style!

  27. oh my God, I love it!

  28. unreal! my spare is like you, an office/guest room. I shouldve done this..not great for resale but in a rental..good for her!

  29. Omgosh an entire closet room !! My dream :) Such a cute space.


  30. ALI@BDGSTYLE: Ahh yes, an ottoman too! It definitely seems like a big enough space for it! :))

  31. Love it!

    I once rented an apartment that was way to big for me, and I devoted an entire room to my clothes, but it was nowhere as stylish as this one.

    I think it makes sense though - if you clothes is a big part of your life and a big interest, why not giving them a separate room? No one would think twice if it was a room dedicated to TV, computer games or similar.

  32. wow..that is some closet..which girl doesn't want a whole room for her dresses and shoes!!love the pendant light..though i feel the room needs some pattern..through a rug, an ottoman or different curtains perhaps..a couple of wall sconces would be a nice touch too..thanks for sharing, jen..do stop by my blog when you have a moment! xx meenal

  33. Aww its like a dream!

  34. This closet is AWESOME

  35. I solemnly swear that if I have closet like this, I will keep it neat and organised.

    Belly B

  36. Oh my! That's just a closet? It looks like a fashion boutique already. :-) Oh how mighty comfortable it would be to get dressed there, with that space and everything in order.

  37. Hello Jen,

    How are you doing, sweetie?!

    I love this closet! It's a dream! Just the shoes is worth of a "WOW!" ;-)

    Have a wonderful day, sweetie!


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com

  38. Wow, that closet is amazing! I think mine is about a tenth that size.

  39. Oh my goodness! I can only dream about a closet like this... my closet is a tiny shoebox compared to this... :(

  40. Love that! I actually just bought the same platter that she has her perfume on from Target...may have to use it for perfume!

  41. Thank you so much for showing this closet. It's like a dream closet of a serious budgert. Beautiful!!

  42. Amazing! I want her closet, perfumes, and oh yeah...her shoes, too (:

  43. Oh the desk/makeup area in the closet is genius! And the varied black stripes are tres chic

  44. I drool over this closet! If only my husband would give up the office space lol.


  45. Love this closet!
    I am dreaming about having one, but my apartment is quite small for it...


  46. Amazing closet! Love your blog:) xxx



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