December 10, 2010

'One Gift' Featuring Janell Beals...(Via Made By Girl)

This series is called, "ONE GIFT UNDER YOUR TREE. Today, Janell from Isabella & Max will answer:

If I could choose only one gift this season it would be a Nikon D90 camera with a great lens...interestingly I also asked for a camera last year! I figure if I keep asking it will show up one of these years, and this holiday is looking good: I've been a very good girl these past several months!

Not long ago I certainly would have answered differently. If told I could only ask for one gift my request would have been a fabulous handbag. But now that my work revolves around a blog and writing assignments, getting great pictures are key. With a higher quality camera time would be saved each day, needed shots would be gotten quicker with less time editing time required! I'm keeping my fingers crossed... 

Thanks Janell! Stay tuned for more bloggers answering what one gift they'd like under their trees!


  1. I have it and can't live without it anymore!! I hope your wish will come true soon too. Good luck! :)

  2. Thanks for having me Jen! I hope Santa reads at least one of our blogs, just linked back! :)

  3. I think a DSLR camera changes your life! I have a Cannon D40 and I absolutely love it. It's so nice to get to see what others are wanting this year for Christmas (I tend to be out of ideas, so this is good inspiration). As always, great job, Jen!

  4. Fun, fun series. I think I need this camera too!!! Maybe just maybe Janell Santa is a blogger and he will read this. Good luck in the camera dept, Kathysue

  5. Yep, you need one! I have had my D80 for a two years and I love it! An additional lens (maybe next year) to ask for is the 50mm! It is great in low light, nice effects!

  6. A responsible yet fun pick Janell! Your photos always look professional already :)

  7. Oh this would be a great gift Janell! My uncle has a D100 that he is not using anymore. I keep asking him to GIVE it to me, but he insist that he needs some type of return off of it given the price he paid! Maybe if I ask again right before Christmas he'll say yes;-)

    Thanks for having Janell over Jen! And I'll get with you on the "I love you blogs and lemonade" art!

  8. Oooh I hope you get it Janell so that you can keep taking those amazing photos for us.


  9. I have a big girl camera on my list too! I have gone as far as I can go with my point and shoot. I hope we are excited little girls on Christmas morning!;)

  10. Hope you get it. Santa just has to be listening.:)

  11. My DH surprised me with a D90 for Christmas 2 years ago. Love it!!!

  12. Great choice, Janell! I'm jonesing for a new/better camera is year, too!

  13. You deserve the new camera! I do hope Santa is listening to you! Maybe Santa should know you'll take lots of work photos, as well as capture priceless moments of your family!

  14. I'm in the same wishing (for a few years) boat! Hope we both get our Christmas wish! :)

  15. I just got my first Nikon and I love it! Hope you get it!


  16. I've been wanting a camera too (& its been two years too). Janell is right, having a blog with great pics is essential.

  17. Hope your wish will be granted this year. I have a great camera I don't know how to use and it needs a better lens :)

  18. talking ablout wishlist, have a look at my latest post:


  19. fingers crossed for you, janell! donna

  20. I have a D60 and love it! I hope Janell gets it! : )

  21. Since my daughter and her friend accidentally broke my camera, I got a camera (early) for Christmas. I needed it early so I could take pictures for my blog. lol

    I wasn't able to post my Halloween crafts because they were stuck on my daughters video/camera because the usb cable is missing and I have to special order it. sigh!!

    I'm all set for next Halloween though.

  22. This is all I want for Christmas too!

  23. I've been wondering what's the best camera to buy. My little digital drives me crazy how it delays between shots!

  24. Fabulous choice! We bought ours in the Spring. Lots to learn but it takes amazing pictures (if you know what you are doing...which I'm still learning).


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