December 29, 2010

Architect & Designer: Campion Platt...(Via Made By Girl)

Campion Platt is all over the place these days, especially with the launch of his book,  "Made To Order", which I have & love! He's an American architect living in NYC, and has designed homes for Al Pacino to Meg Ryan.  If you haven't seen what he looks like, he's quite the looker (no wonder he used to be a model way back when...) with a great tan & gorgeous salt & pepper hair.  

I first fell in love with Campion's work when I noticed photos of his work online and immediately had to purchase the book (which is filled with a bunch of colorful interiors)!  In the book, Campion highlights his own home, which is full of color and bright pieces! My favorites are his kitchen & the drop dead gorgeous purple couch. His HOME has definitely inspired me.....

For those of YOU in NYC: Campion will be signing his new book at the D & D Building on January 11th 9:30-10:30am -at Cafe Astra in New York City! 

 image above by jen

 images below by jeffrey hirsch

for a full interview & more images of his home, visit ny social diary


  1. that is one shiny backsplash, but I'm lovin it! When purple came out in the fashion world and people were projecting it would become a home trend I thought they were WAY wrong. I was WAY wrong, I was even more wrong in thinking I would ever like it! Those rooms are very stunning :)

  2. I actually luv the backsplash...I probably think twice about it, but now that I see it. It's actually amazing.

  3. Wow, what a great book! Are you doing your closet similar?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. TIA: Not quite the same as the one...but its just as big.

  6. How awesome, can't wait to see what you and your hubby create :)

  7. That closet is perfection.

  8. Great one!! I follow you on Twitter & eager to read more attractive post from your side.

  9. funny, i didn't actually love any of his designs, besides the art and the pink chandelier... there's surely many pretty things in his home but i'm just not there with the look. i do love the collection of shoes and handbags though!!

    i'm looking forward to see how your wardrobe turns out!

  10. I have see that dining room a few times and I love it!

  11. Yep, I'm pretty much in love with this house!

  12. Thanks for directing us to a great interior designer. Love all the looks on his website - really makes a home stylish and a lot of warmth.

  13. Campion is so great! Such a nice guy. Starting Wednesday we will start our autographed 'Made to Order' books on Digital Dollhouse. Check out our blog for details.

    Also.. I love your blog. Such an inspiration.


  14. Hi, loveeeee your blog and this post!! I've wanted to get this book for a while but wasn't sure. Just a question: are all of these images in the book too?


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