September 29, 2010

My Mini-Cupcake Ordeal...(Via Made By Girl)

This past weekend I went on a baking RAMPAGE. I tried to bake mini-cupcakes for the FIRST time in my life!! First, I started off with baking cups from Bake it Pretty. I love their cup designs, especially for parties! However, I recommend ONLY baking white cake with these cups so that you can ACTUALLY SEE the designs. I tried some with chocolate & you could BARELY TELL tell how cute the cups really were! Duh.

Not sure what happened here (see below) , but the baking cups started coming away from the cake!! What the!?!? Does anyone know why this happened?!?

I was pretty surprised & it didn't happen once, it happened several times & ALL were minis! I was thinking it was probably this particular baking cup (the blue one with the pink flowers) because it was the ONLY cup that came apart from the cake!

All in all, I think I ended making about 70 mini-cakes because of this issue, so several were DUMPED or given to my dogs. They loved them & didn't COMPLAIN ....

I made 3 different flavors (banana, chocolate & white), below are the banana nut ones. How cute! Of course, I made them from a box, which means they weren't as tasty! 
I should have gotten baking tips from Sonja of Tied with a Bouw blog, she's pretty darn good at baking! My guy made the maple syrup FROSTING for these, he's such a great cook!

The mini cupcakes below were just plain CHOCOLATE flavored with a turquoise blue frosting & a piece of a gluten-free OREO cookie on top to adorn it!

images by jen ramos

After this experience, it's safe to say, I probably won't be baking mini-cupcakes again.....


  1. They look so yummy and wonderful. Well done!!!

  2. OMG!! These look absolutely amazing =] i would totally make them again if i were you, there is a three time rule i reserve for baking only. if it doesn't work a third time then never to be baked again (always seem to work on the third time tho!)


  3. hahahah...I wonder why the paper cup was coming off...Hmmm...All of them look so so so cute and I bet they were very yummy:)

    Ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY today :) Hope you will join in :)!!!

  4. dont know how they tasted, but they dont look bad at all Jen!

  5. Looks delicious, and so cute!

  6. Awww but you should, they turned out really cute.
    I have had the same problem with some of the cups, but for me it went away with buying a "pan" for mini-cupcakes and setting the paper cups in that so they kept the shape (without leaking).
    Maybe that would help you as well.

    xoxo Nicole Lisa

  7. You are so funny! They are adorable and I bet your guests gobbled them right up!

  8. They are adorable! I can never wait for them to cool enough and frost them too early which ruins them! I'm better off getting them from a bakery. xo

  9. these are so cute! love the designs. so weird that the paper would come off. i've never seen that happen before! hmm. i bet they were delicious, though!

  10. NICOLE: Thanks!
    the mini's were in a pan, but still came apart....

  11. They look so cute and yummy! Baking is a lot of work, but I think you should definitely try it again. The cupcakes are seriously adorable!

  12. Adorable!!! I love the lil candy pearls!! The turquoise icing looks so yummy. Maybe it's just a defect with that certain color one. I'd email them to let them know! The mini's are so cute! I can't wait til I move into my new place so I can make some cupcakes!! =)

  13. They look absolutely yummy!! It was worth the effort...great job :D

  14. I love it well done they look amazing !!,i really love the last image with the turquoise frosting- looks to good to eat:) xx

  15. They look absolutely stunning! Can you share how much food coloring you used to get the Tiffany blue color? Thanks!

  16. OMG! I love cupcakes, they are so cute and are making my mouth water just looking at them...:))

  17. Hey Jen,
    Thanks for the comment on my blog! Your cupcakes look amazing! I'm sure all who ate them thought they where wonderful and loved you for making them! Don't give up! Your decorating skills are mad! The pink ones look amazing! Next time you could try making standard sized ones that don't need decorating cause thats the tricky part. I have faith in you! Don't give up!!!

  18. Hello ELOISE:
    You're message was so sweet...! :)
    Yea, decorating is tricky...I think i'll stick to the standard sized cupcakes...I never had a problem with those before. Minis was very tricky...

  19. Those are so pretty! If that's your first try, you are a baking natural! I'm stealing that oreo cookie on top idea, if you don't mind! the kids will love that, cookie AND a cupcake!

  20. But you must really...I mean they are adorable! I want a cupcake.

  21. those look sooooo yummy!!!!


  22. The mini's sounded tricky...but yours look delicious!! You have inspired me to make cupcakes this weekend. I am thinking Pumpkin with cream cheese frosting...very fall like!!

  23. CJ: I think i used like 2 drops of food coloring of a neon blue, but i also added 2 drops of neon green. You have to start small and then jst mix little but little until the color consistency looks about right.

  24. It's too bad you won't be baking them again ... Because they look fantastic! Hope you'll have another go at it. :)

  25. Mmmmmm...cupcakes. They look so delicious!

  26. They look so yummy- especially the ones with the oreo on top! So cute too- now I want a mini cupcake :)

  27. i have never seen candy pearls and i have to have them! LOVE your cupcakes :)
    i recently made the coconut rum with cream cheese frosting (recipe from Mings Cupcakes) for a Bake-N-Blog:
    sooo yummy!!
    xx, shari

  28. They still look super cute in my the icing details.

  29. Oh, but they are so adorable!! They look just fantastic ... even if they were lots of trouble!

  30. They look delicious. Have you checked out baked perfection? she's great at mini's.

  31. aw sorry about the not so good time =( But the ones you did turned out awesome!

  32. They look great and why should you not try again. Just because the first time was a rampage, doesn' t mean the second time will be, don' t give can' t get any worse and honestly they look good to me. The only ones you said weren' t so tasty are the banana ones, but since you did not say anything about the other ones, I assume they were good..I bet the second time it will a succes!!

  33. Ah, you are sweeter than those cupcakes my dear... thanks so much for the mention! x AND I think they look great! Especially the turquoise ones... divine! I have had a similar thing happen in the past re: the paper coming away and you might be right that it hard something to do with that particular paper. The other thing I would recommend it having the right sized cupcake/muffin tin to sit your cupcake cases in as this helps keep them in perfect shape! x

  34. They look delicious! Can only imagine how did they taste!

  35. Ooooh, and who did eat them all??! :D

    you deffo should try again and bake some white cupcakes in those lovely leo cups :D


  36. Your cupcakes look deliciious! The only thing with paper cups is the problem u stated; the oilyness of the cupcake hides the design. To solve this problem, you bake your cupcake in a metallic or white paper cup and just place them once baked and cooled in the `cute` paper cup. This makes double paper cups but... it looks nice if they are complimentary colors! Anyways with or without paper cups, they look yummy!

  37. Ugh, I just wrote a long comment but it got erased :( So yeah, I am sad the chocolate cupcakes paper cup were hidden! I use this tip sometimes and I thought I'd share it with you... You bake your cupcakes in a metallic or white paper cup and once cool, you place them in your pretty paper cup! voila! Of course it gives you double paper cups, but you can play with the colors and make them look hot. Anyways, with or without paper cups, I'd eat your cupcakes right away. They look so yummy!!

  38. Hi. Love your blog. I am an avid baker and cupcakes are labor intensive. Use a cupcake tin to hold the shape! Traditionally when cakes are done, they pull away from the sides so perhaps this is what happened to your free form little confection. Don't give up! They are lovely!

  39. MAY MAY: That's why im glad i wrote about this...there are so many tricks and tips i didnt even know, thank you for sharing that. :))

  40. MARCELA: Yes, i also did some with white cake, but not in the pretty baking cups :( they wouldnt stick! The girls at my bible study class ate the ones that turned out ok :))))

  41. TIED WITH A BOUW: Yea a few people mentioned the cupcake baking pan...hmmm will take a closer look at it. I thought it was ok, but who knows....Thanks love!

  42. this happened to me too last week!

    i've baked mini cupcakes a bagillion times, and never once had this problem before...
    i made 550 minis (yes- 550. i'm insane) for our company birthday party- and sad to say, i used a cupcake pan, and some still turned out this way. :(

    i used the cute cupcake liners from michaels. i think maybe it's the paper?? i dunno.

    i was nervous about how they would look- and if anyone would eat them, but every single cupcake was gone by the end of the day! so although i was super paranoid about the imperfectioness of them, it apparently didn't bother other people.

    so don't give up! people like eating free cupcakes regardless :)

  43. these are beautiful! ive been making tons of mini cupcakes recently so right on!

  44. Woah...hold up...there are gluten free oreos?????

  45. My Goodness - these look AMAZING!! This was your first attempt? Is there no end to your talents?? BRAVO xx

  46. Ok.. these look how you decorated them....sounds like it was quite the ordeal, though. Ok, and and is your hubby a chef or something? All of your tweets about the meals he makes, always looks so gorgeous and sound amazing!

  47. LALA LOVELY: Glad you think so...they didn't taste bad at all, well the carrot cakes did....maybe it was the brand i bought. My guy isn't a chef but he did take culinary classes and was also taught by his mom who is a pastry chef. He cooks great meals almost every day for us, i'm very grateful. :))))

  48. ERIN: yup, at Whole Foods market. :)

  49. Aww~ You have to try again~ maybe not so many next time;) That happened to me once with them coming apart from the liner. I think it's the pan too. It happend when I bought a mini muffin pan that was a bit wider than the regular mini cupcake pan I use. I never used that pan again, and it never happened again!

  50. Found the George Foreman of cupcakes, in the in the KC Star (

    Cupcake Maker

  51. I have read that if you leave them in the pan ( too long )after removing them from the oven the paper will come away, something to do with retaining moisture if I recall correctly.

  52. Don't ever dump your mishaps!!!! You can take the cake, mix it with some frosting, cool it and then form it into balls. Cover them with chocolate and voila - cake balls! Never waste product - turn it into something else :)


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