June 14, 2010

iPhone 4 .....will be mine soon (I hope)

I've had my iPhone for a total of 2 years now and my contract expires this year. (You know their 2 year contract agreement they have you sign if you want an iPhone). I've only had the iPhone 3G and never bothered getting the 3G s because I didn't care much for shooting video. However, the new iPhone 4 is available for pre-order tomorrow (Tuesday) and I'm so psyched about this one.
The reason: it has FaceTime, a one-tap video calling feature! This is DEFINITELY something I've always wanted in a phone, but a few years ago it seemed so FUTURISTIC. Well, not anymore, it's now come to iPhone 4 & I'll be one of the many to pre-order this new phone tomorrow morning.  Lets' hope by the time I jump online it's not sold out! 

Anyone else thinking of getting the new iPhone 4 ?? What feature are you looking forward to?


image via apple


  1. Ooooh I'm so excited for you that you're ordering it tomorrow!! I'm not sure when it will be available here {in Australia} but we're always a bit behind you guys :) I can not wait to get the iPhone 4!! At the moment I am still using a NOKIA :( A new Nokia....but I have been pining for an iPhone for so long now! I always play on my Hubby's just for a feel for it lol. As soon they hit Australia I WANT ONE ;o)

  2. The FaceTime is also the reason why I want the iPhone 4. I think it's pretty revolutionary considering we talk/text more than we make eye to eye contact during a convo these days. Definitely a way to make the world more "social" again. :)

  3. iPhone is the best phone there is out there. I just couldn't wish for anything more in a phone and still they are offering more! It's crazy :)

  4. I have also ordered my iPhone 4 :-) I can't wait !!!!
    And my iPad will come next week !!!

  5. I have also ordered my iPhone 4 :-) I can't wait to have it !!!
    My iPad will be here next week !!!
    Enjoy your iphone all off you :-)

  6. I hope I will get one too...I cant wait:)
    Kisses sweetie and have a fantastic day:)

  7. Im counting down, cant wait and didnt know you could pre-order so excited to do that!! thanks for the tip!

  8. I have been trying to order and the Apple site keeps crashing on me!!!! ) : A whole lot of people must be trying to order!

    I really wanted the white one but it is not available ) :

  9. LOVE my iPhone... I am sure the 4 is amazing. Enjoy!


  10. I look forward to getting one when they finally add themselves to the Verizon fold.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  11. i want it. i also have the 3g and am dying for upgrade! frustration: the pre-order is taking FOREVER!

  12. Every one who has had an iPhone 3G are starving to have the new iPhone! I will be ordering mine in September. I live in the Netherlands and I think it will sold out as soon as its out in July.
    So, I will go on holidays, and when Im back I'll join the second group, who will be ordering their new phone.I can not wait! Before iPhone I never cared of cool phones, and now I am dying of having the new one!

  13. FAce time would be great for when speaking with my mom...but not to use with just anyone...I'm still debating whether or not to purchase the iPad since, it would be a write-off for me...but I don't about the iphone.

    I'm too frustrated, I tried since 6 am PST and nothing...same problem. It seems some people have gotten through, but no one I know! Will try again tonight or tomorrow.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I didn't know the iPhone 4 will have the video call capability. I have an iPhone 3 Gs and definitely love it. Just wondering what to do...maybe I just need to always look fabulous when my phone rings :-)

    Yes, but it's been super difficult to get through the Apple site to pre-order for so many people.
    I love your last comment...hehe I thought the same things about always looking fabulous when my phone rings, but It is optional (you dont have to turn it on) and the video calling only works iphone 4 to iphone 4.
    I'd probably just use it with my husband... :)

  18. I can't wait either to upgrade my 3gs! I'm excited about the multi tasking feature and love the way it looks, so sleek and sexy! x

  19. Oh I am so excited that you posted about the iPhone!! My b-day is this Sunday and my hubby is going to pre-order it as my gift! I am desperately waiting on it's arrival. Yay!

  20. Sniff, sniff ... I won't be eligible for an upgrade for quite some time. But I want it!!!

  21. crazy- just got my iphone, so this one will be a while off, but damn...how cool!!


  22. TRACI: Luckily my contract expires so i am eligible...infact I just managed to get one through the apple store online just NOW! :) I had been trying off and on since this morning.

    If I were you I would reconsider getting one of these when the hype dies down....they are going to be faster and of course video chat, cant beat that.:)

  23. I'm waiting for the new Windows Phone 7 to be available this fall. My bro-in-law works for Microsoft and he's told me in no uncertain terms to HOLD OUT! It's supposed to be the Awesomest smart phone yet! (is that a word?) One of the best things is all the major carriers are backing it so no more being shackled to AT&T!

  24. I was online stocking this phone! I HAVE TO HAVE it. Im with Verizon now and will do the switch as soon as I can get my hands on the white Iphone! Jen, were you able to buy white??? When I went online is said the white was not avaialble yet for preorder or in store pickup.....

    Can't wait to have it in my hands..but holding out for white!

  25. MI VIDA BONITA: No, I didnt get the white one...it is ONLY available this summer (shortly after the black ones go on sale) but my husband will get it and then we'll trade! :))) I'm so excited to get this new phone, my current iphone battery sucks. It will be super cool to see my husband on video while we talk on our phones....it's so revolutionary.

  26. It is totally revolutionary! Ok so I have to be patient for the white....I guess I can do this. ;)

    thanks for the info!

  27. Yes! I am looking forward to upgrading, too. I've had the 1stG iPhone for years and I'm so ready to have a thinner, speedier version.

  28. I am in the same boat as you...end of my 2 year contract on my G3, and I can't WAIT to upgrade!! I just wish the AT&T website could handle all the pre-order traffic, because I haven't been able to get through yet! :(


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