April 29, 2010

101 HOTEL.....Getaway in Iceland

Every time the weekend gets close..... I think of how great it would be to just get away & visit a new city! How about Iceland?? Ever been there?? Well, my husband sent me this amazing boutique hotel he came across called 101 Hotel. What a beautiful place this would be to stay & unwind....

I'd LOVE to hear of anyone out there is familiar with this hotel & if you've ever stayed there. In the meanwhile, let's DREAM together.....  

images via 101 Hotel


  1. This hotel makes Iceland seem very warm and cozy ~ sign me up!

  2. Wish I had been, looked like a great place to spend some time in. :-)

  3. wow this is gorgeous! i love the tub!

  4. wow check out that bath! so awesome xoxoxox

  5. I stayed there! I randomly just came across your blog and saw "101" and new exactly what it was! What a fabulous city..we stayed in such a beautiful room too. Definitely stay there if you get the chance!

  6. Oooh i visited Iceland a good few years ago now. Although it was quite expensive, we have an lovely time. Highlights were of course visiting the natural Blue Lagoon & a trip to see the amazing Geyser. Our hotel wasn't as cool as this tho unfortunately!

  7. It looks great there! Such nice furniture - and it's not the image I had of Iceland so the wake-up is quite refreshing and I was pleasantly suprised :)

    I have never been there and I probably never will get to go but I know another blogger who did: Fashion Train - http://ow.ly/1EUOE

    Hope you have had a great week xoxox

    Sarah @http://www.inkandbelle.blogspot.com

  8. Ohhh..How beautiful! Stunning decor!

  9. I went to Iceland a little over a year ago. It's a beautiful country with amazing landscapes and friendly people. We stayed at the CentreHotel Thingholt. It was a cool hotel in an amazing location. I would love to go back and would recommend it to anyone.

  10. Sign me up. That tub looks sooo good

  11. I would love to go to Iceland and especially to stay at this hotel!

  12. I've never been there, but it looks amazing!

  13. wow, the bathroom especially looks amazing!!


  14. wow! amazing hotel room!

  15. It is a bit too modern for my taste...although I can't deny it is beautifully done. However, I love the art piece. Who's the artist?

  16. really looks like an amazing place to stay! :)

  17. this place seems to be comfortable and the bath is gorgeous...

  18. Iceland is great! Friendly people, colourful houses and very modern way of thinking. I've been there already 6 times and stayed at the best hotel ever! My friend's house :-)

  19. Yes, Iceland is a lovely country. I've been there a few years ago.If you want to see some amazing images, click here: :http://www.urbanstylevibes.com/2010/04/eyjafjallajokull.html

    The 101 hotel is certainly one of the best places to stay in Reykjavik so go girl!!! You deserve it;-)


    Lise M.

  20. iceland is amazing! i have never seen this hotel, but had the pleasure of road tripping the entire ring road for 9 days with my husband before we were married and started having babies. i highly recommend it!


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