April 1, 2010

No more Scrunchies. Twistband is the way to go...

I just wanted to send a BIG thanks to Jessica Frandson founder of Twistband for sending this pack of colorful twistbands my way. It was SUPER nice to open the box and also see all the colorful gumballs, nice touch! I'm chewing one right now! For those of you who haven't heard of Twistband, they are ponybands and headbands made of elastic trim. 

They are stretchy and support any hairstyle, yet they are slim & sleek enough to wear on your wrist when you want to let your hair down.  I wore one to my Yoga class today & I loved it!  If you're still wearing those AWFUL scrunchies, go to Jessica's site & get some of these instead.

images by jen ramos


  1. What a neat idea..these are super cute. x

  2. Love these! I've been using them since Christmas and I get the most comments on them and where to buy them! Glad you love them too!

  3. love this idea! i hate how elastic bands cut off my circulation but I always need one. this is such a cute accesory!

  4. That is a great idea! I wish I had thought of it. This is a good gift idea for friends too.

  5. what fun! i love the packaging.

  6. These are adorable! And how fun that they come with gumballs!!!

  7. so flippin cute! love the gumball touch! ;) I will def check them out! Ash

  8. I just happened upon your blog and I love it...have been reading through all your posts and I think they are truly gorgeous...will be back!

    Love love love,



  9. these look great! I am going to have to get some.

  10. Oh I love those! They would be perfect to use for almost any occasion...

  11. you mean i can finally get rid of my awful scrunchies?! yay! these are so cute - love all the colors. have to give these a try!!

  12. I bought mine from Santana Row in San Jose, CA about 6 months ago and I love love love it!

    I would love to do a product review on this!

    check me out at neenajay.blogspot.com

    -your newest follower

  13. I received my first subscription box today and I love them! Littlemommak.blogspot.com


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