February 4, 2010

Neomi of Kedvenc Otthon - Home Tour....

Neomi from Kedvenc Otthon blog (meaning 'Favorite home' in Hungarian) is opening the doors to her stylish & kid-friendly home to my readers! I love her dining area, the turquoise wallpaper accent brightens up the space along with the 2 mini chandeliers! For all of you moms out there, what do you think of an entire CHALKBOARD wall for your kids??  So cleverly done!  By the way, you can see & read more of Neomi's home in Otthon Magazine, the mag chose her home as 'favorite home of 2009'!  

Thank you Neomi for reading my blog & sharing your home in Budapest, Hungary with all of us!  

images: Neomi


  1. Love the look of this place and I especially like the wallpapers used. I also covet the fireplace because the house we bought has a faux one and I really wish it worked since it is darn cold here in NJ!

  2. Budapest is in Hungary, not Turkey.

  3. this is pretty friggin cute

  4. The chalkboard paint is cute and fun. It looks like her house is the perfect balance between fun for kids and reasonably calm for adults. It looks great!

    Oops, thanks for pointing that out...

  6. I love the top of nightstand!

  7. Oh, everything is so beautiful! I love all of the colors and lines of style. I especially like the kids chalkboard wall, very interesting.

    I love all of your posts, good information! Hope to put some of it to work for meeee. Thanks....


  8. I am 99% sure that the kids table in the bottom picture is from IKEA, but she painted it - that is so cute!

  9. I love this! Of course, it seems I love everything you put on your blog.

  10. Fab wallpaper with the birds on it! What a fun funky mix of modern and vintage pieces. Thanks for sharing it!

  11. The wallpaper in the first photo is lovely.

  12. This is a really great space. There are so many great furniture pieces, like the one with a wallpapered top. There are generally some really nice uses of wallpaper! Thanks for sharing this!

    Caroline of Red Glasses

  13. Loved this post! I lived in Budapest for 6 months and have been trying to find Hungarian design blogs because I just miss it so much!!

  14. All of those beautifully patterned wallpapers!! Wow, her home is utterly gorgeous!!

  15. Love the wallpaper in the first photo and love that bathroom! Having two children myself, it is always nice to see how others make their homes kid friendly. Thanks for sharing!

  16. wowza, the wallpaper in the first pic had me at hello!

  17. Thanks for posting and all of your comments!!!
    Wallpaper of the first pic (with hummingbirds)is from Osborne & Little (www.osborneandlittle.com).
    For the huge chalkboard on the wall we use a ground coat and a specially paint. It was very easy and my kids enjoy it so much!

    Molly: You're right! The kids table and the little chairs from Ikea.

    Fancy Pants: the night stand is from Ikea, but I put on decor paper and cutted white glass :) You can change it any time.

  18. BT Noemi - I was just looking at that wallpaper in a store yesterday (the one in the first pic) and kicking myself for not asking where it was from. This is such a happy coincidence, I think maybe I'll have to use it somewhere now!

  19. I freaking love this house! I think this is so far my favorite house i've seen on your blog!

  20. Thanks for sharing. I love how some of the photographs are hung and the children's eye level...and the chalkboard wall is awesome! The entire house is the modern,ideal family home.

  21. The place is absolutely gorgeous, clear, fresh, cosy and charming! I loved the turquoise wallpaper and a buch of details such as the purple candles!!!! Lovely home!

  22. Love her style! I love her little surprise mini-chandelier in the kitchen and her work space is so dreamy...great inspiration for the weekend, thanks!

  23. These are GORGEOUS! I adore aeverything about this house!

  24. WOW everything about this home is perfect :)

  25. hello, i am a reader from budapest =)

    It is such lovely place, it has this "you are home, relax and have fun" feeling
    My favourite detail: the round mirror in the living room, especially because it has a nice contrast with the sharps forms of the other furnitures.

    Milyen szívetmelengető, ha az ember hazai posztot talál az egyik kedvenc lakberendezési blogján =)

  26. This is utterly gorgeous. We have similar colors in our master bedroom - the golds and neutrals - but it's nowhere near as great as this. I feel the need for a home makeover... Thanks for posting this.

  27. Im from Budapest aswell! :)
    Really love your blog, now more then ever!:)

  28. Oh, I love the idea of a chalkboard in the kids' playroom! It lets them be creative without too much mess and fuss. Maybe someday I'll have one..!

    Vesta Monroe
    Domestic Goddess Guide

  29. What a gorgeous home! I love every detail of it! Thanks so much for sharing it - it's going straight into my inspiration folder :)


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