January 15, 2010

Rachelle of Kenzipoo...Home Tour

Rachelle from KenziePoo blog sent us these pics of her beautifully, decorated home!  I have the same West Elm zig zag rug as she does, but I love that she was brave enough to place it over the rug in her living-room! I thought of doing that but wasn't sure how it would look & feel.  Makes me wish I had bought the larger zig zag rug instead!  How about that fabulous wallpaper in her bedroom?? I also thought of getting that one for my family room....! Anyhow, thanks Rachelle for sharing your gorgeous home with us. You have great style!
Have a super weekend!


  1. seriously? wow. her style is rockin'! love her!
    and i especially love how she put the zig zag rug in her living room.
    loving the layers..

    and nothing is better than the letters u + s together.
    so sweet.

  2. Awwwwe, they are too cute ! Her house isn't too bad either.

  3. what an impressive house! and mom and son rock! i love it, one of the best!

  4. hmmm.. the rug over carpet actually looks pretty good! i've been considering doing that, but couldn't envision it for some reason! now i can! :) that's a gorgeous home ! i lovee the black headboard! and that last photo is adorable:)
    thanks for sharing!
    happy weekend!:)

  5. Yay! So nice to see her home featured here. I featured her home yesterday and it has received lots of great responses. Everyone likes Kenziepoo!

  6. LOVE her style!!!! Wow the wall paper in the baby room is beautiful!

  7. Hi Jen, as you can imagine, your blog is very very very successful here in Brazil! And... I would like to invite you to make a post as a guest at Casa de Valentina. Do you accepted? Say yes rsssss kisses Lucila

  8. a beautifully decorated home! i love the colors and choice of textile prints on the wallpaper and rug!

    and she seems like a fabulously stylish gal with an adorable baby!


  9. wow!! I love the coffee table and and the wall paper in kid's room. Also I like her place in general, it looks so spacious. thanks for sharing.

  10. Ah, Mood Boards and Big Letters are always mood lifting, I love them!They make such perfectly cut decoration, even if they are only used as 'space fillers'

    They are very pretty pictures :) xx

  11. This is my dream home - its so airy and beautiful :)

  12. I love this home! Fantastic combination of colors, textures and patterns. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I'm scared that the mirror next to the bed will come crashing down but I adore it! I never get tired of ornate framed mirrors!

  14. LOVE all the images. And how cute is she?1?

  15. I loovvveee the "Us" letters. She has amazing style.

  16. That is some style! Loving it sick!!!

  17. Thanks so much Jennifer for featuring my home! I love the post!

    Rachelle xo

  18. Somer very beautiful rooms! I especially like the study room with the laser cut chandelier!

  19. What a lovely home! Love all the lights...

  20. I love it all! Especially the headboard & the wallpaper.

  21. Ahh, I'm loving that last photo!! xoxo

  22. Thanks for the tour. Love the nursery, wallpaper and zig-zag rug!


  23. LOVE LOVE LOVE the clocks in the dining room... so fab.

  24. I love these photos! They are so fun. Love the lamp from the second photo and the last photo is my favorite! So awesome :D

    thanks for the comment on my blog too!


  25. Great Home and love the nursery section on her blog! Thanks for the intro!

  26. Fab place and i LOVE the wallpaper!

  27. I have been a follower of Rachelle for a while now and I can I must say her style reflects her as a person; divine and lovely!

  28. She has a great sense of style. Very clean and chic!
    Paula Grace ~

  29. I am in love with this house! I wonder if she would notice if I moved in...

  30. What a beautiful house! Love it all!


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