October 16, 2009

Brownstoner.....Brooklyn inside & out.

Brownstoner is one of my favorite Brooklyn-related sites. It's all about Brooklyn inside & out. I dream of going back to NYC when the housing market picks up & I can sell my 2 homes in Las Vegas. It would be great to buy a high rise condo with all the amenities & cafe's within walking distance! Oh, how I miss all the amazing restaurants, museums & culture! Enjoy this collection of Brooklyn restaurants.....


  1. THE COLORS. they are killing my photography eyes. i need to go there. pronto.


  2. Yeah, we took a trip to NYC this last summer and loved the Brooklyn neighborhoods!

  3. I ate at Foodswings this summer and I loved it! We don't have that kind of food in Stockholm!

  4. Oh, I love this! Thanks for the NYC fix...every Fall I get the itch to go just as the weather starts getting chilly. New York in Autumn...sigh...

  5. I love that you blogged about my hometown! I always encourage people visiting NYC to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge and see all that Brooklyn has to offer!

  6. Looks so nice! Good luck on your Vegas homes. I almost bought a rental property there about 4-years ago.

  7. My dream to own my own little store with fantastic store fronts like these!!!

    NYC is one of my favorite places to visit! :)

    BTW - I'm blogging again, would love for you to drop by. It's been a blast catching up on your posts Jen.

    Jenn Lee

  8. Hurray for NYC! I love living here and exploring. I find something new in each section, every day!

  9. Great post. I LOVED Brooklyn. Even went to Sal's Pizzeria!

  10. What a great site to visit! New York is fabulous, I lived for a short time outside the city. Want to go back. I love your product line! Great product web site and blog!

    Take Care!

    Michelle Zuniga
    Zuniga Interiors

  11. He vuelto de NY hace una semana y me ha dejado con la boca abierta...

  12. OMG! This neighborhood has changed sooo much! I'm a Manhattan girl and when I come home I shamefully never stray too far. Next time I'm doing an old hood tour.

  13. Great photos. I lived there for some time. It seems like it's really blossomed since my day in the early 1990's.

    Oh, so you know what I mean then....lots of cafes , museums....aaahh :)
    Thanks - glad you like my work....The items in your shop are quite nice too!

  15. I want to go visit so bad. My little sister just moved to Manhattan from Vegas and she is loving it.

  16. oh my god, i wanna move to NYC!!!
    i love to walk down the streets and enjoy little moments having a hot capucino in cafes like these ones.


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