August 20, 2009

The Design Entrepreneur Book

The Design Entrepreneur - "Turning Graphic Design Into Goods That Sell" book was always an attractive read for me. This book by Steven Heller & Lita Talarico, was published in late 2008 & I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! Of course, another book would always come up & I'd skip buying this one! But I finally purchased it from Amazon & I'm so glad I did! This red softcover, 240 page book comes housed in a black die-cut cardboard case. Fancy....

Anyhow, this book is ideal for graphic designers who are trying to turn their designs into profit. Is that you??? Selling your work/designs online is no easy task, there's a lot of work involved. Designers may be be natural entrepreneurs at heart, but very few will actually take the BIG step to become successful & make money doing so.

Within the 240 pages, you'll find interviews with design entrepreneurs as well as a great resource section. In the end, this book will provide Graphic Designers with inspiration. It's up to you, to take tha
t inspiration & move forward with it.


  1. It does look atad fancy! and actually quite useful. Hopefully its available in the UK.

  2. I'm definitely going to look into this!

  3. I've been looking for some valuable resources to help me get started...I'm definitely going to add this one to the collection! Thanks!

  4. Wow that's great. perfect! Do you happen to know of any similiar maybe titled "Int. Design College Grads a "How To" Get Your Foot in the Door w/ a design firm?" ;)

  5. Hi, need to see this book! Have a great weekend! x

  6. Looks like it could be a helpful book, would definitely be interested in reading it. My issue is trying to do too much and not focusing on one thing at a time :)

  7. Hi! Would you have any book recommendations for a woman starting her own small business? Many thanks!

  8. You rock for posting this. I'm going to totally go buy it. I'm a graphic designer that was unfortunately laid off from my job, which fortunately led to me opening my etsy shop. I want more than anything to just sell my own work and live happily ever after :)

    This book sounds like exactly what I need to be reading! Thank you so much

  9. Thanks for the posting. I will check this book out.

  10. What a wonderful book-sounds like it would be very helpful and motivational for me to pick up-I'm at the awkward stage where I really want to get something going, I'm just nervous about how to begin..thanks for the recommendation though, this book may just give me the boost I need :)

    I would recommend one of the books I read before I started my own was pretty helpful:
    "A girl's Guide To Starting Your Own Business" -

    Hope this helps!

    I also know people who were laid off & it's just a terrible time right now the way things have been going. Starting your own business really gives you a more secure least in my opinion. I believe you get out of it - what you put in.
    All the best!

  13. I´ll buy it at once, thanx for the tip ;) Have a nice day!!

  14. Jennifer, thanks for the recommendation, I will def pick up this book!

  15. oooh, great tip, thanks for the suggestion! I was just thinking today (as I was about to purchase one of your "I love you blogs and coffee" posters) That maybe you should do one that reads: Blogging is exhausting. I worn out from a day of e-self promotion! I love what you create, cheers!

  16. Looks like an interesting book, I'll have to check it out.

  17. ok ok ok you convinced me!! i need this. no need for much more convincing...



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