June 1, 2009

Artist Line Juhl Hansen (Home & Studio Tour)

Line Juhl Hansen is a professional artist living in Denmark. Her style is quite unique and playful. I love that she was generous enough to share home & studio pics with us. On top of that, she sent me 12 amazing postcards with her artwork printed on them! You can purchase the same set here and check out her blog as well as her paintings here.

Thank you Line!


  1. Her style really is unique and beautiful. There's so much character in each item, in each piece of art she creates.. really lovely!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Oh, thank you for sharing this! That's totally the kind of art I love.

  3. I love looking at other peoples studios - lovely!

    Viv xx

  4. Love her work! And her home is so lovely, too!

  5. What a lovely space! I adore the painting that's behind the chair and polka dot lamp.

    I also like all the child's artwork by the big table.

  6. Such a Great space! I love to see where artists work!

  7. lovee it.. :)
    all those pretty colors and all that natural light...
    plus it looks like she has some amazing work! :)

  8. Wow, what a great feature. Her work is beautiful!

  9. AnonymousJune 01, 2009

    Just love the way the colder Europeans tend to have a lot of "white" space in their homes yet big punches of color...beautiful. And then they throw in aged finishes and furnishings with their modern pieces and "it works"...love it. Her art reflects her living as well...ssimplicity at its best...without being cold and sparse. Thanks for sharing, have a great Monday...and Happy June...yikes...so hard to believe it! Fondly, Roberta

  10. what a fantastic space and those paintings are beautiful. you can definitely tell a creative soul lives there!

  11. She does some great work! Thanks for sharing :)

  12. What a great Home. She has great style, and great artwork!

  13. Love this cheerful style...I will have lunch today with some Danish friends :-) I will show them this post. Have a great day, Evi

  14. Love the double doors that lead outside. She has fabulous light for her studio...I'm jealous. I'm always so intriqued by the way people decorate in foreign countries. Usually so clean and modern. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Ah love the kitchen!!
    Shes got great style:)

  16. I think its so interesting to see someone elses space. I love it! I so want that hot pink magazine basket!

  17. Very inspiring space...nice :-)

  18. this is awesome!!
    her work is beautiful and her home is beautiful!

  19. Ahyayayayay...the color is so inspiring!


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