May 26, 2009

This is what it means to care....

This is what it means to care..... (non-design related).

Audrey & Eldad Hagar never imagined that when they began photographing the hundreds of fostered dogs (and other creatures) who came through their home, that they would actually create a book. They just wanted to remember the animals they had shared great memories with.

Below is their short story about a little dog named Bradley...

"We rescued Bradley from the shelter last night, and today I took him to a neurologist.

The doctor had only sad news for Bradley...

We agreed he should go to sleep and not suffer this severe hydrocephalus. (as you can see, his head is weirdly shaped due to a lot of fluids in his head / brain).

I didn't want to let him go yet, so from the vet I took Bradley to the beach, I sat with him, played with him, and I fed him many cheeseburgers and fried chicken.

We sat there for two hours, and after that I took him to the vet's office right on the beach, and he went to sleep forever :-(

It was such a sad day... I cried like a baby for this little guy. Even now when I am typing these words, tears are coming to my eyes..." (The end)

Please visit their website & help them save more animals. All they ask is for people to buy the book about their rescue work... this will help them pay the medical bills & all the expenses involved in animal rescuing. (The book cost only $9.95. It has a 100 pages of full color photos and stories that will make you laugh and cry).

* You can buy the book at Hope For Paws.*

After reading this, I bought this book today & I'm so grateful to be part of the effort to help these animals.


  1. That was touching. Thank you for sharing this. What a sweet pup. So glad he landed in the arms of someone who would care so much for him.

  2. On my way now to buy one. I have the most profane urge to help all animals everywhere anyway I can.

  3. thank God there are people out there like Audrey & Eldad Hagar.

  4. what a cute little guy he was - so lucky to have such a fantastic last day...

  5. heartbreaking, and touching.
    I'm off to buy the book, and to try and convince my husband we need a third dog.
    thanks for posting this.

  6. we both had the same reaction to this...i immediately bought the book and posted about it. it's so important and that story is just heartbreaking.

  7. This brought me to tears too, before I had finished reading the post.

    Thanks for the link, I will check it out.


  8. Oh my gosh - I'm all teary eyed! This was such a sweet, touching story - all of us who have had pets know that all they really want is to love and be loved. I hope that little guy had the very best day ever! Ok, now I'm off to get some tissue... (seriously)

  9. this made me tear up- Bradley is a beautiful boy. last year we put our doggy, Rocket, down. he was our rescue dog and was only with us 4 months- he had lymphoma and was down to 46 lbs (supposed to be about 65 lbs)
    i will definitely be buying this book, and will do anything to support animal rescue organizations.

  10. omg, this made me cry :( what angels they are...

    my heart hurts.

  11. I am SOOOO buying this book and showing it to everyone. Wow. If the story doesn't do it, the pictures will... look at his little sweet head and his enjoyment of fried food. i wished i could have hugged him.

  12. This is such a touching story...the last day of his life was probably the best. RIP Bradley.

  13. This story was so bittersweet. Nice because they made his LAST day the best they pains me to know this little guy couldn't enjoy life a little more.

    Thanks to everyone who buys the book...I cant wait to get mine. : )

  14. Oh my god i didn`t red the text bellow! i`m so sorry now :( i am person who cares about every homeless (because in my country thare are many) dog and cat;( i have a dog when i was at school and still can`t forget it and go on... We had one dog and it lived near out apartment (but was homeless) so we give them food and everything until people from the local homeless-dogs-office came and get it in the asylum. But everybody in my county know that many of the dogs there will be killed, because it is impossible for them to take care of all. So me and all the neighbours make a list with out signs and names for total disapproval! my grandmother organize this and i don`t know if it has any effect, but at least we take our dog from this kill-house(i called it so)...awful world

  15. AnonymousMay 27, 2009

    that dog has got some personality. What a touching story.

  16. What an amazing story and great book! Check out our blog, my sister and I taking a 2,000 mile road trip to save 33 shelter dogs.

  17. awwww:-(
    so sad!! I rememmber watching the show oprah had on shelters and such, it took me an entire week to watch a 1 hour show, they are so innocent in this world, thanks so much for that post, off to buy a bunch of copies now. That face will haunt me today:-(

  18. AnonymousMay 27, 2009

    thanks for sharing this! :-) I can relate to getting my heart swept up by a canine friend several times. They are the best.

  19. Oh poor little dude :( This is so sad, and so touching.
    I would be crushed if I had to put my dog down :(
    Much love! Beautiful book!

  20. Thanks for posting - I'm reposting it.

  21. this is so sad! it really made me cry, but I am so happy there are people who care! Thank you for sharing this

  22. I just got a frog in my throat. That was the kindest, sweetest story I have heard in a really long time. Thanks for sharing. They are such good souls.

  23. Thank you so much for sharing this! We got our current dog through a rescue organization that saves dogs from the kill shelters and brings them to families looking to adopt. She is the love of my life and I am so grateful for volunteers like them who do such amazing work!!

  24. Oh my gosh, how absolutely adorable. what a great cause!

  25. He's so cute but these shots were taken right before they put him to sleep?

  26. Ahhhh........that made me cry.

    God bless little Bradley.


  27. That made me cry as well. I love my two puppies. Thanks for inspiring others to care.

  28. Thanks for posting this Jen. :) I got my book today and it's gorgeous.

  29. Ok, I'm crying now...the story's so touching. I'll definitely buy a copy :)

  30. This story made my heart hurt, but thank you for posting it. I just bought a copy right now :)

  31. this is so sad i will repost this in hopes that someone will do the same and buy the book i will buy it! i have 6 pups myself, and want more, bradley is so beautiful!!

  32. Oh my gosh, this made me cry. I am definately going to buy this book. Thank you for sharing such a sad and wonderful story.

  33. That broke my heart but was just so special.

  34. Audrey and Eldad are true animal activists. i am so moved by this story. i've shared it on my blog and i'm buying the book.

  35. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    Thank you for posting this. I immediately donated $30 last night. I don't want the book. It is just too sad. I can't even watch animal planet anymore. This morning on my way to work, I saw a dead kitten in the road. I picked the poor little guy up, and took him to my vet where they are so sweet. They were going to cremate him for free. She gave me a hug (becuase I was crying like a madwoman). I want to help local animals in need of homes so badly, but I'm just so emotional! Now that I'm getting a divorce, it is clear that I need to find some way to help. Perhaps donations are all I am emotionally capable of, but I'm hoping to find a hands-on way to help without constantly turning on the waterworks. Thanks again. C


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