April 9, 2009

Reusable Shopping & Grocery Bags...Oh so chic!

I really love it when a product is reusable or recycled. Glad that companies out there are caring enough to make these products...now it's up to us to buy them and USE them. These cute bags are from Kir De Vries They have quite a few more on their site, so go take a look! Also, they were kind enough to offer Made By Girl readers a 15% DISCOUNT off of every purchase until May 1st! USE COUPON CODE: MBG

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  1. I have one of these bags (actually the lime green one pictured!) and they're really durable, HUGE and pretty inexpensive. I would definitely recommend them!

  2. Steve madden hands out these bags now when you shop...my son thought they were weird.

  3. These are adorable and a great way to eliminate my stash of plastic and brown paper bags in my storage closet!

    We should all be smart shoppers and use them!

  4. Wow I love these and they aren't expensive at all. I hate it when you find a really cute bag and its supposed to be great for the environment and then they cost almost 100 bucks if not more. I actually like some other items from the site. Thanks for the info!

  5. Wow that are very nice bags...

  6. these are so much cooler than my bags.

  7. Envirosaxs are awesome! We have several and I always get comments on how great they look. I may even get a few more, I’ve been thinking of getting some for gifts. Love your blog, thanks for sharing!

    Heidi Jo the Artist
    Come Check Out ~ Swirls of Creativity’s Purple Thursday ~ Every Thursday!

  8. these are one of my favorites types of reusable bags. i recently did a post on different options and i love the variety available!

  9. I have my Wegmans reusable bags for when I grocery shop but these are way cuter:)

  10. OMG!! Love these bags! I've got to get me some.

  11. Those are awesome bags. I gotta try and get you one that my mil just sent me from England. It is linen and has the Union Jack on it. It is from the shop that most British people shop. It is divine and I will see if I can get her to pick up another one for ya. ;)

  12. Jennifer,

    I just joined your blog and am loving it! I love the bags (and the discount!)

    I would love for you to check out my blog...



  13. ecologic, lovely and chic.
    i wanna all of them!

  14. I am ordering a bag today! I just joined your blog and am loving it!

    This is my blog which also has earth friendly tips, products, etc.



  15. these are so cute! much better than my standard forest green ones!

  16. I LOVE these!!!

    By the way, I featured your cards on my blog!


  17. These bags are great! I want many!


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