April 15, 2009

Perfectly Paris

Here is a great website, Perfectly Paris, for those who wish to travel to Paris & not feel like such a tourist. Wouldn't it be great to experience Paris like a local does? This site, gives you the opportunity to do just that . They have listings of apartments for rent, where you can have all of the privacy, room and convenience you need, perhaps even more than a hotel! I love this idea & if I travel to Paris one day, I may just consider doing this.

MFJ Salon2.jpg

The apartments are conveniently located in areas of the city where you have your own "boucherie" (butcher), "fromagerie" (cheese chop), "boulangerie" & " patisserie" (bakery). Talk about feeling like a Parisian?? In a way, you get to experience what it's like to live there.

QE Dining room full.jpg

MZ Metro Lamarck.jpg

RV Kitchen amenities.jpg

EBH Living room with desk.jpg

LL Kitchen.jpg

QE Place de Dublin.jpg

RV View from salon.jpg

RV Shower and bathroom.jpg


  1. Hi Jennifer, Thank you for posting this! Paris is actually one of the few places I haven't had the pleasure of visiting & considering I live out of hotels room (due to my job) an apartment rental is a great option. I have a few friends that do this when they visit NYC. Thank you for the link!

  2. All these make me miss my old apartment! :( I've booked a hotel for my upcoming trip but these rentals are very tempting.

  3. Does everyone in Paris have those absolutely beautiful floors? *Le sigh*

    What a great way to visit the most beautiful place on earth. Thanks for sharing Jen. xx

  4. Does everyone in Paris have those absolutely beautiful floors? *Le sigh*

    What a great way to visit the most beautiful place on earth. Thanks for sharing Jen. xx

  5. Great pictures! I'm off to check out the link. So glad you shared!

  6. ohhhh Paris is one of the places I dream of seeing! these are beautiful!

  7. ohhhh Paris is one of the places I dream of seeing! these are beautiful!

  8. Hi! the first pic is my favourite. Great chair. It's all so cozy. xoxo

  9. oh, goodness! if i stayed in place like this on vacay, i'd never want to leave!

    great find!
    some day i'll make it to Paris!

  10. Gorgeous view...can you imagine?! And I love the chandelier in the bedroom.

  11. Hi Jennifer,
    Thought you would also enjoy my friend Claudia's site, TheParisApartment.com. She also has a fab blog all about of course Paris Apartments.

    Thanks for the pics, took me on a quick 60 second vaca.


  12. hey, i have the same 4persons table. it's from Ikea and it's called a Fusion. I got it secondhand and only paid 75 euros for it. bargainous :D

  13. Don't we all wish we could have such to die for apartments!

  14. J'adore Paris! as I was looking at these pictures, I was thinking to myself, would i be able to leave everything and move there? and start from zero one day ?
    I would pack up my favs, have a huge garage sale, sell my car, take my animals and off we all go to Paris...of course i should have a job lined up and a rental ready for me ... who am i kidding ? this is a huge step !! no way !! :( i should just be content with a vacation .


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