March 17, 2009

Am I a Twitter-holic yet?

So, I finally started updating my Twitter- after joining months ago. I didn't really know how to use it & then all of a sudden.... I get an app. for my iPhone & I'm updating before I go to bed, when I get up in the morning & at a red light in my car!! Ha!

This thing can be addicting.

If you'd like to follow my updates, just send a request here. See you on Twitter!

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  1. Can you explain why I would use twitter if I already have facebook? I joined but I dont know what to do with it.

  2. Ha ha your funny. I just started a little bit ago. I'm not fully there with you on all the posting, but I am trying to update it daily. I can see how it can be addictive.

  3. I just started to twitter to, but still trying to get a full understanding of just what it means...I guess lets say Jen if you were at Target you could post from your phone.."plants on sale for $1" and it would go out to all of your "followers" I following that right?

  4. Hello Jennifer...Everything Fabulous got a new house...I changed the template, art, etc...I would love for you to stop by and let me know your thoughts!! Hope you like it!

  5. Isn't it funny how it takes over your life?

  6. I'm afraid to join twitter because it will be one more thing that keeps me online way past my bedtime. but oh.... I think I'm getting sucked in... eeeee...
    I'm doing a giveaway on my blog today.>>>

  7. this is just another online activity for me.but i liked your work you have put together

  8. oh gosh, i'm glad i don't have it on my phone - it's bad enough i can check it from work!

  9. Ditto. Fully addicted...oh and there's a Twitter app for FB so you can have your tweets fed to FB to show as status updates.... 2 for 1!


    Ha! That is what I thought too...but there is an app. you can get that will update your facebook every time you update twitter...that is what I've been doing. You can use it to promote your work, blog or just ramble on about whatever u like. : ) It's for fun...and it's quick. I do it from my iPhone.

    Yea that sounds about right...basically it's for whatever you want to say at that VERY moment. I guess it's for like YOUR VERY own breaking news hehe

  12. CARRIE:
    Yea i got that too, thanks! : ) LOL

  13. JAMIE:
    No kidding...I think I need to go see that new film by Ondi Timoner called "We Live in Public" - your comment reminded me of it....

  14. Yeah I am following u on twitter...


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