January 30, 2009

He's not into me???

Anyone else anticipating this film? I never read the book, but the movie reminds me of those days when I was single. Did he Myspace me?, Facebook me? or text me?? I have to check all three hang on....! Sooo, February 6th, I re-scheduled all my appointments, because I will be out at the movies....ha!


  1. Yes. I read the book. I can't wait for this movie! I haven't read reviews yet.. I hope it's at least half way good.

  2. Read the book years ago when it came out...so much truth in it! Looking forward to the movie, great cast so I'm sure it'll be pretty good.

  3. Unfortunately Jen that is still my life! - I was wondering when it came out in the States, it is released in Australia on Feb 12. The trailers looked hilarious, here's hoping the whole film is as well! x

  4. I don't read books like it, but I can't wait for the movie. I hope it shows the great, but complicated relationship between girlfriends. I love the part where one of the girls is being told she's just too pretty and too cool. I've been there...

  5. I cannot WAIT!!! Happy weekend Jen. Love from Australia

  6. Sounds like a good book, gonna pick it up! Love your blog, BTW. =)

  7. I never read the book, but want to see the movie. I love the part of the trailer when the mother tells the little girl that the kid's just being mean because he likes her. So, THAT'S why we can be so clueless?

  8. the trailor looks really good so should be fun!

  9. ha, i had no idea it was a book. i am excited about the movie though.

  10. I can't wait for this movie! I am going to see it the day it comes out. Lots of popular actors in it too. I read the book years back but I think the movie will be so funny.

  11. I did not read the book but I am waiting to see the movie since they were filming it

  12. I can't wait either! I loved the book.

  13. haven't read the book, but my girls and i have already planned to make a night of it next week! i was cracking up from the truth of it all in the preview. :)


  14. I am going on Monday 9th! I'm single and need the tips!

  15. I read the book when it came out. The book is fabulous. Its kinda like smacking your forehead with the palm of your hand. "Whoah!"

  16. I'm sure my girlfriends and I will be there on opening night! There is so much truth in the book. I remember reading it when it first came out. Thank goodness I'm married and don't have to deal with the perils of dating anymore!!

  17. I didn't read the book but I can't wait to watch the movie!

  18. can't wait to see it. I hope it is as hilarious as it looks.

  19. I read the book. I really liked it. I am excited to see this movie, has a good cast.

  20. i cant wait! loved the book- its my bathroom reader now! the movies should be a good laugh- the cast is a good one!

  21. I have not read the book, but I write a dating column and it comes up in conversation all the time. I'm definitely seeing the movie.

  22. I keep seeing previews for it and I'm more and more intruiged-a lot of big names in it too! I'm excited for it

  23. I saw one of the author's on Stephen Colbert awhile ago, and the guy who co-wrote the book seemed so into himself that it was hard to watch -- he was pretty embarrassingly self-obsessed.

    But that said, I'm looking forward to the movie -- I like most of the people in it and it looks fun!

  24. Yeah, I have to see that movie...

  25. Haven't read that book either but I hope the movie has a happy ending for someone. The trailer makes most of the characters come across as desperate...at least that's how it seems to me. Lots of popular young stars, however, probably worth a rent!

  26. I cannot wait! it looks soo cute.

  27. looks like a rental to me, but i haven't read the book so it might be great. humph.

  28. Oh I had no idea that there was even a book! I might try to read it before I see the movie. I have a thing about books and movies-had to read P.S. I love you before going out to see it. Definitely can't wait for next weekend!

  29. I read the book and was annoyed by it... but, i will see this film as the character grouping should be fairly interesting!

  30. Hahaha. Love it. I'm sure one of my girlfriends will "drag" me to this.

    That's too funny..hey it was my life too and I admit I was quite naive like some of those characters. You learn a lot after you hit a certain age i think....but sometimes the things that HURT, make you stronger.

    Sounds fun, a gir's night to see this film.. : )
    I awill be out with my girlfriend that night as well, then take my guy to go see it ha! But you're right - there's ALOT of TRUTH in this film.

    I am hoping there is a HAPPY ending too..for someone!

    That's odd, most people I know loved that book... hmmm

    Ha! I'd invite you to come see it with my girlfriend and I but you're too far away hehe... I'm SURE you'll go see it though.

    Funny you mentioned that, I saw that on Colbert too...you're sooo right!

    That's too funny..hey it was my life too and I admit I was quite naive like some of those characters. You learn a lot after you hit a certain age i think....but sometimes the things that HURT, make you stronger.

    Sounds fun, a gir's night to see this film.. : )
    I awill be out with my girlfriend that night as well, then take my guy to go see it ha! But you're right - there's ALOT of TRUTH in this film.

    I am hoping there is a HAPPY ending too..for someone!

    That's odd, most people I know loved that book... hmmm

    Ha! I'd invite you to come see it with my girlfriend and I but you're too far away hehe... I'm SURE you'll go see it though.

    Funny you mentioned that, I saw that on Colbert too...you're sooo right!

  33. Yes, can't wait to see it! I'll be wrangling some girls up for it and a popcorn fest for sure!

  34. I can't waaait. It looks hysterical, and sadly much too true to life.

  35. I am so excited to see this!!! Can't wait!

  36. If the movie is any good at the actors in it, it will be well worth the $10 price of seeing it in theaters!


  37. i haven't read the book but i am excited about the movie!! :)


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