January 9, 2009

Architects have the coolest homes....

You know about my LOVE & fascination with New York City right? Well...I grew up there, in Manhattan to be exact. Although I am now a west coast gal (living in Las Vegas) I always dream of one day moving back. You know, in a big apartment in Soho or the West Village. For now I'll blog, manage my business & make lots of money until my dream comes true. Speaking of NYC, here's a stunning East Village apartment I discovered via the New York Times. It belongs to an Architect from Turkey named Koray Duman, he renovated the entire place shortly after he purchased it.

Images via New York Times


  1. NYC's fabulous... there's just no other city like it. This apartment is so comfy chic...it would really be fab to live in a nice space in NYC :)

  2. I love the fact that he has plates, books... on display. Most architects always want to hide everything so their homes end up looking empty and just not lived in.

  3. wow, that a great home! LOVE the brick walls!

  4. i'm officially jealous...i love it all, the slate kitchen floor, the whitewashed brick...sigh!

  5. funny - I have that IKEA shelving system in my workroom - it's really cool.

  6. Oh my. That really *is* fantastic!

  7. and he's as cute as the apartment!

  8. Hey Carrie,
    YES...I did notice that he has all these books and plates around his home and not CONCEALING them...like alot of architects..sooo TRUE. : )

  9. I agree Emily, the white brick walls...are one of my favorite parts of his place. I used to live in a small place in NYC that had white washed brick walls...it was so bright & beautiful during the daytime.

  10. HA! Yea he is kinda CUTE...I forgot to write that in the post Leigh. : )))))

  11. Lovelovelove. It's simple and spare but not austere. It doesn't look like an architects apartment.

  12. He's a doll! Oh, and the apartment is cute too.

  13. What sophisticated and chic home! I love that old white brick.

  14. coolest indeed. Tons of smashing texture!

  15. Does anyone know where I can get the shelve system or at least what it is called? I really love the idea, but I don't think it is an IKEA system (Stolmen kind of looks like it, but it isn't Stolmen!).

    Any hints would be greatly appreciated!

  16. First things first...he is cuuuute!

    And I love his place. Especially the chest as a coffee table!

  17. I'm just looking at the really cute guy !!!

  18. What a great home. I love white on white design.
    Thanks for sharing, Jennifer

  19. Oh! That. Is stunning. Love the juxtaposition of old vs. new and modern. Architects certainly do not disappoint.

    And thank you for stopping by our little place on the blogosphere. :) I've been an admirer of your blog for quite some time! Your story of how you got started in the stationary design biz is very inspiring.

  20. la-la-love this! This looks like my ideal space! Love the white brick too! Great look.

  21. Helo Jamie....This look is also my ideal space too...especially being in NYC...!


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