June 11, 2008

I dare you to.....

Oh so new, from my shop. Grab one to send him/her or grab the 4 pack. These are fun if you just want to send a message across to your love interest (or potential love interest). Whether you just want to flirt or be straightforward, these cards can be quite helpful! Currently 4 different ones available & yes you may grab photos if you'd like to feature them on your blog. Visit my shop here.


  1. Love them! You're too cute! ;)

  2. ha! Thanks....I'm tempted to send one out myself ...hmmm.

  3. These are adorable and soooo clever. I dare you to try and keep them in stock! :)

  4. Oh wow, yes!
    Without getting into the "TMI" territory (ha!), the first one is so awesome. I can't wait to give it to my girl.

  5. Funny... I wonder what my husband would say... ;)

  6. I just received my first pack of MBG cards! I just gave out the Hey I Love You card and it was very well received! I can't wait to give out the rest. Fantastic cards!!

  7. i LOVE your use of type and color and layout style jennifer! heck, i love everything!

    oh, and i support obama too ;)


  8. these are the cutest!! I would love to get one of these...

  9. i love how daring your cards are -- keep it coming. :)
    - Jessie -

    ps. just found the e.e. cummings quoted card. i remember that from 'In Her Shoes' -- love it!

  10. Fantastic! I would feature them on my blog...but the phone sex would be a little over the top for my younger clients! lol

    Way adorable and way needed to keep things spicy in relationships. I like the simple blue and white tones too!

    My Photography & More>

  11. How deliciously naughty! Wish I had someone to send them to *sigh*

  12. hI Yasmine,
    Nice to see you around here, I totally admire your work. Its so beautiful!! Thanks for the compliment. : )

    And glad to hear you support Obama too. : )

  13. Thanks Rob,
    I DO hope your GF enjoys the card.... : )


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com