May 1, 2008

Neeeeews & other stuff

Took a small break today to get some coffee in my neighborhood. Well, not much of a break as you can see I still dragged my laptop to join me! (This pic is from my handy camera phone ) It was such a beautiful day today... (not a cloud in the sky) and about 80 degrees.  Also, I wanted to say thank you to all those who have commented on my first 'ever' GIVEAWAY on my blog. The winner will receive a LOVE CANDY print in the color of their choice. I've been meaning to do this giveaway for awhile now & finally did it. I can't wait to randomly choose the winner and announce them on Friday, Yay!....hmm I thought of extending the time to Monday to choose someone, but we'll see. A couple other things to mention: Please remember that MadeByGirl (my company) will be exhibiting at the 'National Stationery Show' from May 18-21  - so please drop by and chat with me if you're out there!

*More News*

I've been contacted by the editors over at
LATINA' magazine & they want to shoot me for an upcoming feature called 'Cool Job of the month'- for the month of August. Right around my birthday! Being in this publication will be such a rewarding experience for me as a Spanish woman entrepreneur and I am looking forward to it very much! My mom has been all smiles since I told her the news. DON'T FORGET, leave a comment on the post below this one for your chance to win one of my LOVE CANDY prints! : )


  1. Oh wow! How awesome is that?! Woot!! Congrats!

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2008

    OMG That's great about Latina Magazine! I don't usually read it but I may have to pick up a copy when it's out. :) We need to see more kick-ass Spanish entrepreneurs (I hope to be one some day..I already got the spanish part down). :)

  3. That's great news! Congrats

  4. That's so exciting about the magazin! Congrats!

  5. Congrats Jennifer! That is awesome about Latina Magazine!

  6. Hello Ladies,
    Thanks so much for the support & all the congrats!
    Its such a neat opportunity for me and my company....can't wait for August!

  7. Hello Marilyn,

    I've bought a few issues of Latina Magazine and they have many great features - you should definitely pick up a copy...and YES its in english for all those who didn't know. : )

  8. Congrats on the magazine article! How exciting! I'm heading down to Vegas Memorial Day weekend, so I'm hoping the weather will stay nice and toasty! Can't wait for some sun!!

  9. that is AMAZING!!! congrats on the honor! you do have the coolest job and tons of creativity for all of us to admire! so excited for you! xoxo

  10. congrats regarding the totally deserve it!

    Oh and sign up me up for the change to win one of your rock'n prints!

  11. AnonymousMay 01, 2008

    That's wonderful, congrats. Now give me a print...


  12. Hi Annette...the weather out here in Vegas has been so amazing! It usually is though. The skies have been so pretty & puts you in a great mood. Have fun when out here.:)

  13. wow - we have to celebrate! and i know how! lol

  14. Congratulations! That is so exciting. The Latina feature will be awesome!

  15. AnonymousMay 01, 2008

    wow! thats awesome! you really deserve it are an inspiration to many!

  16. Jennifer, This is so wonderful. You truly deserve this. I need a contact here in Canada so we can all buy a copy. We have so many Latin people here..the cultural mosaic..I can't wait to see it. Again, Congratulations!

  17. That is great to be featured on a magazine! And specially on this so chic magazine. I am going to definitely read the August issue. Congratulations!!!

  18. well done you! how thrilling!
    WHAT ARE YOU GONNA WEAR? or are you gonna let them style you? eek!
    i think i would need full artistic control on that one!
    seriously though


  19. They will probably end up wanting to put YOU on the cover!!! Congrats on the great publicity!!

  20. Felicitaciones!!! Congrats on the Latina Magazine, that's so exciting, I love that magazine! What a great bday present!!

  21. The weather HAS been nice in Vegas, hasn't it?

    Congrats on the upcoming magazine feature!


  22. congrats -- how exciting!
    -Jessie -

  23. Hello Stacie,

    The weather has been outstanding..couldn't ask for better. Its not that HOT yet....! Thanks for the awesome compliment as well!

  24. Bexy, not sure yet..may just be a surprise. They may be using a photo I already they are having a difficult time nailing down a good photographer in vegas. no worries have a shot in this mag will be nice either way!! yay

  25. Bohemian girl collection, Dariela, LPE,

    Thanks LADIES...i love reading comments like yours makes my day! : )
    Hope you're all doing well.

  26. That is such a wonderful publication, congratulations!!!

  27. I love Latina! I will definitely look for the issue about you!!

  28. I love Latina! I will definitely look for the issue about you!!

  29. Oh! Ci! Spanish. I would have guessed moi ;D


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