May 5, 2008

A book full of inspiration

As promised, here is a peek at Stockholm's Apartments I bought from Jeu de Paume via Yvestown. This book is so fantastic and contains 125 pages of full color and inspiration for any upcoming designer. The only drawback is that the entire book is in Japanese, so too bad for me. I need a translator! Anyone??? j/k.

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved to read. Thanks to my father who would bring books home from thrift shops & once in awhile he'd find interesting books that people would throw away on the street. I remember once he brought home 3 encyclopedias he found thrown away. He said "Jennifer, read these, start on the first page and get as far as you can. You'll see how much you will start to learn, look at all the great pictures. "

I remember doing almost exactly what my father told me to do. I was so excited to read about the battle of 'World War 2' at age 7. Although I didn't understand much of what I read, I cherished these books & was so impressed with the photos. Thanks to Dad, I still LOVE books today.


  1. AnonymousMay 05, 2008

    Hey Jen, how are you?

    Love your blog, I visit everyday and am really inspired by it. This book looks great, I think I will want to purchase one for sure.

    Have a nice week!

  2. AnonymousMay 05, 2008

    Looks lovely!!!

  3. What a great find Jennifer!!! It looks like it would be alot of fun to look thru!!

  4. What a fantastic book! I horde all of my Japanese design and fashion magazines. I never throw them away. I must look for this book. Thanks for sharing!



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