April 28, 2008

What I've been reading lately....

Besides my school books, here are some great reads that are full of inspiration! First, BROOKLYN Modern is all about architecture, interiors & design throughout the Brooklyn area. I spent most of my 20's living in NYC and visited friends in Brooklyn often and while walking down the streets I would notice so many brownstones being restored. This place has become its own little world, full of cafes, art galleries, great restaurants, funky furniture shops & so much more! No wonder so many young families are being drawn toward Brooklyn in hopes of renovating their own brownstone and investing in this newly developed market. Also I've been reading from Paumes - "Stockholm Apartments" - this book contains about 125 pages & is full of colorful interiors. I highly recommend it to design students! I'll show you more photos from that book soon! Last but not least, the newest issue of Domino Magazine!

*Brooklyn note card above via MadeByGirl. (100% Recycled).

*Image above from Domino Magazine.

*Image above from Real Living AU magazine.


  1. I cant wait to go back to NYC in MAY yay!!

  2. You came back... YEAAAAAAH

  3. Brooklyn Modern is a really terrific book.

  4. hey freerieke....i was so busy....thanks...glad to be back : )


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