April 4, 2008

Is that her ?

Is that Angelina Jolie? No...not exactly. But on the US Magazine site there's a cool slideshow that features everyday people as look-a-likes. It was fun to look through it. I have to say Katie Holmes, Russell Crowe, Angelina Jolie, Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Aniston were my top picks! It was uncanny how much they resembled these stars. Found this via: I heart You Blog. To view slideshow go here. Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I saw the slideshow and it's amazing how many people look like celebrities...I just look like myself :)

  2. wow.... funny
    have a nice weekend to my dear :-)

  3. funny, at first sight i thought the right one was jennifer aniston...

  4. Wow, it's amazing how alike some of them look!

  5. You would never know at a glance!

  6. i love this kind of stuff! i'm gonna go check out the site. ;0


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