March 30, 2008

What I found this weekend....

These colorful striped Louis chairs which I totally LOVE I found via: Chameleon Interiors Blog.

These cool looking prints above are by John Clark. See more in his shop.

I really thought this print above would look quite nice in a bathroom or even an entryway! From Soma Gallery in UK.

This shot is one of my favorites, the table is fantastic & the turquoise is so inviting! Via My home ideas.

and last but not least a few words I came across via We Made This.


  1. okay... i seriously loved every single pictures. those chairs are awesome! i LOVE all of the colors. and that last photo... the blue vases - incredible. what a great look!

  2. Those chairs those chair THOSE CHAIRS!!

  3. Thanks for linking to my post, Jennifer! Those chairs really are eye catching, aren't they?

  4. The striped chairs totally rock! Love em'!

  5. Great finds, especially those chairs!!

  6. I love stripes! And those colors are wonderful!!!! Totally love the blue vases, too.

    Happy Monday!


  7. I love those 2 Louis chairs

  8. those chairs make me happy. great find.

  9. Its so funny....when I found those chairs on Chameleon Interiors I was soooo in LOVE. That fabric is so bright and uplifting...amazing how colors can do that!

    I WANT THAT FABRIC....anyone know where i can FIND IT??????? or something like it.
    Thanks for all the comments everyone....we all similar have same taste i see! : )

  10. I so LOVE THOSE CHAIRS!!! Imagine having those in your living room?!?! NO ONE would allowed to sit. They are just too Fab!!!!
    Nice find Jen.

    PS did you see your hand on my blog??? (giggling)...

  11. You find the best things. You are my personal excavator - you dig up the goods. What a fab eye you have. What's going on?

  12. OH MY GOD. these chairs are amazing. want them!!!!

  13. Hahahah! It looks like everyone loves the colorful fabric on those chairs! Myself included of course!

    What can I say besides we all have good taste. ;)

  14. Hey i didnt see it, send me the link via email... : ) I saw all the pics you added on your Flickr page, very cute! ha!

  15. LPE....Just Busy Busy Busy!
    My classes start again tomorrow so i'm trying to care of everything before then. Thanks for the compliment... : )

  16. Jennifer I like the chairs, but I love the print you'd like for your bathroom. It's the lyrics to Marvin Gayes "What's goin' on". I love that song! The anniversary of his death is tomorrow...your blog print sorta pays homage to him. Great goin'!

  17. Love the Louis chairs! And also the John Clark prints! I decided to purchase an original a few months ago, and when I logged back onto his etsy shop to buy it I discovered it had already been sold! Bummer. Great post!

  18. Oh, wow - I love those chairs! Great post! I love your blog ;) I definitely think that positive words can make a difference; even if it's just a little change in attitude - it all counts!

  19. Oh My Goodness...those chairs are unbelievable and I LOVE the turquoise bottle and apothecary jars. Great inspiring!


  20. Your blog is soo delightful! Love all the beautiful stripes you are showing...I'm really having a thing for them! :-)

  21. Totally LOVed the striped miniature chairs - they're so cute!!!! And I also loved the blue turquoise glass on the console. I have an addiction for glass as well :)

  22. Those chairs rock!
    I covet them!


  23. Just stumbled upon your blog and love it!

    I have 4 of those John Clark prints. They are so wonderful! In case you're interested, here is a pic of my prints framed...


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