March 17, 2008

Lucky Kids!

I fell in LOVE with this shop called 'Childhood Interiors ' from the UK. Its totally colorful and soooo my style, if I had kids. My favorite is the typography pillows, how cute!!! I remember being a kid and not being that well off. Our sheets consisted of plain neutral colors & we probably had about a total of 4 sets. I have to say that kids nowadays have so many amazing and interesting options for their rooms, it would be a great time to be a kid!


  1. cute!!!
    today came the love letter book you show in your blog!
    Thanks allot! Better then i thought!!! :-)
    have a nice week....

  2. Wow, those do look like a lot of true. Same for me. Not much choice when I was a kid. In fact, these are probably more for parents than for kids.

  3. I'm super jealous too. There is a community on LiveJournal called "Our Bedrooms" and sometimes you'll get a young teenager with the most gorgeous bedroom photos. Meanwhile, when i was a teen my room was a mess!

  4. hey, little surprise for you:

  5. Love those letter cushions

  6. hi Kathryn,
    wow, very cool thanks for naming my blog! sweet!

    and yes the LOVE LETTER book is great, i enjoyed it very much myself!

  7. best of british babybee!
    so we DO have more than rain here...i was beginning to wonder!!!

  8. Who needs kids when you can be a big kid at heart? I want to buy all of that stuff just because it's so damn cute. *laugh*

    Funny, I was talking to my Mum the other day about how kids have much more variety and adorable things to choose from compared to when I was growing up. :)

  9. I love the graphic appeal to these designs. I bet your room was still colourful and creative when you were young - even if you didn't have much. Thanks for sharing.

  10. it´s so adorable
    i was thinking doing a makeover of my room and these are great ideas

  11. LPE,
    my room was covered in boy band and rock n roll posters from about 10yrs of age to about 17. After that i started getting creative and then painting my own artwork for my bed sheets though were never that interesting. Wished they had looked like these...great inspiration!

  12. I want those cat cushions!

  13. i am not into cats, cause im so ALLERGIC, but the cushions i can handle. plus they're so cute.


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