February 17, 2008

From a Paris reader.....

I was so happy when I received this cute little t-shirt in the mail from one of my readers. She bought some cards from my shop and was sweet enough to send me a gift all the way from Paris!! The t-shirt reads: "what's wrong with being pretty?". I think it should have also said "and smart". ha! I LOVE IT Eva, thank you for your kind words and the thoughtful gift!


  1. Aaww so sweet! Aren't bloggers the sweetest *ahem*? ;)

  2. Yes, it was such a nice gesture....and quite a surprise. Ive never received a gift from Paris : )

  3. Jennifer, why don't you wear this t-shirt? you'll lovely with it

  4. What lovely customers you have

  5. HMMM , Clyde...i actually thought about wearing it for these pics..not sure why i didn't.

  6. jennifer, thank you so much for your post, let me tell you I'm your #1 French fan!


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