January 3, 2008


Who said you can't find LOVE? How about you looking in the alphabet? OK, maybe its not that SIMPLE these days to find a great match out there. You date and date and every one feels like the one before. Trust me, even though I'm not single now, I once was. It can be great at times but I used to hate it when Valentines Day came rolling by and I didn't get my amazing Godiva CHOCOLATES. Anyone else felt that single feeling on Vday??

Anyhow, this poster design I made was inspired by LOVE. Its a reminder of how love is out there throughout the many people that surround you. So many names we come across on a daily basis and will one day find love in one of them. This poster has been very popular so far, so I'm very excited! Also available as greeting cards. Just go to: MadeByGirl.


  1. I am smitten by this poster. The design is just perfect- simple, yet bold. Too bad everyone in the world can't read your post here and grab the concept. That Love IS out there and available to all of us who seek it. I'm so glad I found your blog through link after link. =) I added you to my favs. Now I'm off to check out you site! Have fun with your next show too.
    And Happy {early} Valentine's Day. =)

  2. Thanks Jody for your sweet comment. I totally agree and glad you think so too. Love is out there and i hope everyone will be lucky enough to find it.

  3. I really think this poster is the coolest! I want one!
    I would like to place it in my office, I think my boyfriend would like it too.

    Nice blog Jen!!!

  4. the pictures on your blog are great! I also checked out your site and was very impressed! The way you placed the paintings on the side of the ABC Love Poster is really pretty. : )

  5. Hi Jennifer! I'm loving all the typographic trends popping up and your twist on it is fantastic! So graphic but sweet all rolled into one. A great V-Day gift!

    (Thanks for your comment on my blog. So nice to know you stopped by (blush).)

    Happy New Year! :)

  6. I love this poster! It would look great in my cubicle at work!

  7. Oh gracious, I LOVE this poster. I remember Made By Girl was one of my first features on my blog, and you've grown so much since then!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog; I'll be sure to check back for more of your fabulous designs!!! :)

    Love to you.

  8. these posters show how you don't need to go over the top to have nice stuff..the simplicity of it says it all..i really like them

    keep it up!!

  9. Breana,
    Nice to see you back....thanks for the compliments I appreciate it.

  10. Hi there Uncle Beefy,
    So glad you decided to visit my blog, thanks! I'm so proud of this poster...I LOVE words and written expressions so this particular design is perfect for vday, I agree! Happy new year to you too!!

  11. Design for Mankind,
    Its super nice to see your comment today : )
    Yes things have changed for me....I wanted to head into a different direction with my business and thats what I did. Still climbing that hill you know.....gotta get to the top : )Happy new year!

  12. Thanks to everyone else , its so nice to get these great comments about this poster and reading them is just as inspiring....
    Have a great weekend!

  13. I'm re-doing my bedroom and this poster is the perfect thing to hang over my bed. I think every single girl could use this reminder that love is out there! Thank you! And, Happy New Year.

  14. They're wonderful! What a great idea.

  15. just received mine in the mail today for our nursery and LOVE it!

    many thanks jennifer!

    xo, Jenny :)

    {goods to keep ME sane}

  16. There's a lot of stuff you got going on with this blog. You've obviously been at it a long time.


  17. Hi Jenny!
    So glad you got ur poster and LOVED It!
    I'm so excited its been doing so well...and thank you again. Hope everyone that sees it in your nursery will love it as well. : )

  18. that poster is fun!


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com