December 20, 2007

Top Notch Soho Loft

I came across this awesome LOFT rental from one of my favorite neighborhoods in New York City, SOHO. When I lived in NYC for 10 years I would walk through this neighborhood for shopping and to check out the amazing architectural details of some of these buildings. Soho has so many little boutiques, cafes and art galleries. However to own property here you have to have some kind of
DINERO (money) because most of the real estate here is sky high $$$ and boy are some of these places worth it! Looking at these pictures makes me really miss NYC! It would be a DREAM of mine to own a place like this! Supposedly this rental goes for $950/night and it is about 2500 sq ft.! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. These pics are from NYC Tourist.


  1. Gorgeous!!! And you're so right. The cashola it would take to have the luxury of this much space (never mind the fab furnishings!) in NYC is astounding.

    Fab pix!

  2. hey frankie, its great what money can buy these days....this place just makes me want to work that much harder.

  3. I am smitten over that terrace! Amazing space.

  4. Hi Jen,
    WOW!! This is a place I'd love to throw a party in, would be nice!

    Loving your blog, its great! Your cards rock too!


  5. wow, i could move right in!
    - Jessie -

  6. What a gorgeous loft!! Love the flooring. What a kitchen! Very spacious loft. Great post Jen!

  7. must be nice to have a couple mil hanging around! gorgeous space though!

  8. thanks!.....this space is the coolest, everytime i look at these pics i MISS NY SO MUCH!!!

  9. nice place! very nice blog!!


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