January 16, 2013

Food: Winter Citrus Salad

With gray skies and snow on the ground, I start to find myself in a slump this time of year…anyone else? Lauren here, and today I’m excited to share a recipe to cure your winter blues. 

This salad is pretty much like sunshine on a plate: refreshingly bright and colorful, and packed with good-for-you citrus that's plentiful at the market right now. Serve it alongside grilled fish and veggies for dinner or as part of your next brunch spread—it really works any time of day! Keep reading for the super simple recipe…


For the salad:
1 ruby red grapefruit
1 blood orange
1 cara cara orange (or navel orange)
1 clementine
1 meyer lemon
Handful of unsalted, shelled pistachios, finely chopped
Handful of dried currants
A couple leaves of fresh mint, cut into very thin strips 
Lime zest

For the dressing:
1 teaspoon good maple syrup
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Juice from half a Meyer lemon
1/4 cup olive oil
Kosher salt
Freshly ground pepper

1. Cut off the ends, then remove the peels and as much membrane as possible from all the citrus. Cut each into thin rounds and layer on a plate. 
2. Sprinkle pistachios, currants, mint and lime zest on top. 
3. Combine maple syrup, Dijon mustard, red wine vinegar and Meyer lemon juice. Slowly whisk in olive oil, then season with salt and pepper. Drizzle a small amount of the dressing over the salad.

-Recipe and images by Lauren Craig


  1. Wow Lauren, This looks tasty! def having the same problem here in NYC with gray skies and snow. dreary, but this salad brightens things up!

  2. I loved the platter with vibrant colours.

  3. This looks so fresh and delicious! I am going to make this for my next ladies brunch!

    - Jaime

  4. This looks absolutely amazing! I definitely need to try this out–citrus always makes me think of summer!

    The Glossy Life

  5. Gorgeous salad Lauren, I was just saying on my blog that finding sexy and yet sophisticated salads are really hard to come by. I love the colours, styling and flavours. Can't wait to make!!!


  6. Looks great - and something to try.
    My mom used to make a simpler version of this, using only oranges and dressing them with salt and olive oil. Trust me, it's delicious!

  7. This looks amazing! Must try!

  8. Thanks, ladies! It tastes as good as it looks -- can't wait for you to give it a try!

  9. throw some tuna carpaccio on top of that and i'm in heaven :)

  10. That looks very inviting and delish!!! Loveeeeeeee the bright colors in this dish and best of all, is that it is SIMPLE! i lovee simple ready to follow recipes:D


  11. Oh my goodness this looks delicious.

  12. That looks ridiculously good. Guess I'm stocking up on citrus this weekend.

  13. Looks refreshing, beautiful and delish. Nice photos!

  14. This looks delicious! I'm adding it to my list of recipes to try soon. :)

  15. This looks delicious! I'm adding it to my list of recipes to try soon! :)


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