October 1, 2012

Design: Fall Decor Trends

Hello MBG readers! It's Monday, welcome back! Amanda here with a roundup of a few fall trends and some pieces to show you how to transition back into richer jewel tones, textured fabrics and heavier materials. 

With fall in full swing, it's hard to miss the burgundy, all shades of green and leather trend for fashion - but what about interiors? We're seeing similar trends for the home, but more tiger prints! 


  1. Those Louis armless chairs are gorgeous...sleek yet victorian, modern yet hint of the past.

    -Brittany of Suburb Chic

  2. Love Amanda's recap- and love that tiger print is trending.

  3. Love the black chairs oh my goth!

    Ali of www.aliandang.com

  4. Omg I need that tiger pillow. Love it. I must find.


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