July 5, 2012

Peek into Jonathan Adler's NYC Office

Hope you all had a great 4th!! Mine was a blast, even though we didn't see fireworks...

Anyhow, last week I was invited to the Jonathan Adler's office here in NYC & finally met the man himself. I remember how much of an inspiration he was for me when I first started my business....  I've always been attracted to his design aesthetic & even have his Meurice lamp in my apartment, it's even lovelier in person by the way! The place was huge - with an entire showroom & all employees were allowed to bring their little doggies to work, how cute!

On another note, Jonathan recently finished a collaboration with Pepsi on these cute red, white & blue biodegradable straws... you can actually see them in this post! They ended up giving me a pack, which I used for my 4th of July dinner party. I'll post those pics soon too! 

Are you a fan of Mr. Adler's work? Do you own any of his stuff?

-all images by jen ramos except the one of Jonathan Adler & I ...& Jen.


  1. Wow, what a beautiful place! Love all the bright colors and fun patterns. Looks like you had a great time!
    CoverGirl + Converse

  2. Such fun and inspirational pictures! I can't help but love everything Jonathan Adler- the colors, designs, everything is perfect.

    Cheers, Elizabeth @ The Corner Apartment

  3. I would not mind waiting forever in this waiting room! That office is soo inspiring.

  4. AnonymousJuly 05, 2012

    I'm overwhelmed by all the pretty things! His office is STUNNING. I featured his home on my blog once (just like I did yours!) and everyone was astonished!! I wish I could have all of his ceramic pieces... beautiful! Oh & love the Pepsi/JA straws!

  5. what a gorgeous space! i love all the color! He always makes every room so bright and fun without being overbearing.

    xoxo jessica

  6. love the post!!amazing colours!point to the coasters!

  7. These are SO gorgeous! I'm in love with him, so this makes me so jealous you got to go inside his studio!

  8. His office is exactly as I would expect - bright, colorful and inspiring! Working there day in and day out would surely inspire some creative ideas! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Thanks so much for sharing this. Love his office. Love him. Truly inspiring!

  10. Awesome colors and patterns that pop! I love his office especially the waiting area and black and white "Irresistable Giftables!"

  11. My old office used to let mebring my dog to work. It made SUCH a difference in the atmosphere! Love that little touch :)

  12. That is so amazing you got to go behind the scenes-thanks for sharing! He is an awesome designer! Love the manifesto on the wall...you really get a sense for his personality and it makes me laugh:)

    Thanks Jen!

  13. Good grief. Love the space, of course I'm not surprised at how colorful and chic it looks! Lucky you that you got to meet him!

  14. Hi Jen,

    Ack! You are so lucky! I love Jonathan Adler. I have his nelson lamp and want to get some of his figurines, they are just too fab. He is such an inspiration and now that I see his employees get to bring their dogs to work I love him even more!


  15. Great space, amazing things! And you look so stunning!:)

  16. What an amazing opportunity,; love the place + I love the straws!
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings

  17. soooo fun, jen! i just saw Jonathan's 10 things on BRAVO and was laughing so hard about the evil dog. LOVE Liberace!! xo, shari

  18. Big fan of Jonathan Adler's-thanks for sharing! LOVE those straws...a bit obsessed with paper straws, especially polka dots, but haven't seen red, white and blue!

  19. SPEARMINT baby: ha! I know right...he actually told me about his doggie Liberace, sooo cute!

  20. How freakin amazing you got to do that! Love it! Thanks for sharing!!

  21. so amazing you got to meet him! And just saw him on Bravo's 10 Things That make me smile and saw his office on there. Love that they can bring dogs!


  22. How amazing! Being around his designs just makes me happy! :)

  23. First of all, I love that dogs are allowed! What an amazing opportunity and full of inspiration! Thanks for sharing your photos :)

  24. Oh my gosh so awesome that you go to go to the office and meet him! That looks like the most fun place to work!!


  25. AnonymousJuly 06, 2012

    i've not heard of him but thanks for sharing!!! It's always nice to find new discoveries in relations to design on your blog, Jen.

    I have to agree, what a fabulous waiting area. I almost thought it was at a home or something,lol. and pets allowed at work?! Defo a yes for me!!! Did you bring your pet with you?hehehe Gosh,i would be in heaven if my work station looked like this! there is so much inspiration everywhere with lovely designs and furnishes:)

    Those pepsi straws are soo pretty! Can't wait to see your pics of how you used them for your dinner, which im sure your hubby cooked delish dishes, hehehe...envious!

    I gotta say, those neon pattern pillows caught my attention, they are simply gorgeous! Great way to brigthen up any boring room! Don't you think?!!?

    Great post!


  26. Oh wow! It's my dream to meet The King of Colour!

    I too loved the manifesto, and was shocked to read he'd never won any awards for his designs - crazy or what?!

    I think there's something missing in his store though - your paintings;)

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    Kelle x


  27. This is amazing...I love him!

  28. AnonymousJuly 06, 2012

    Love the photos and the rugs! take a look at this one... do you like it? http://www.brabbu.com/rugs/sandstorm.html

  29. AnonymousJuly 06, 2012

    AMAZING!!!! I just watched "10 Things That Make Me Happy" w/ J Adler on Bravo and they took a tour of his office! That chihuahua is nutso..but cute!! This is such a great post. Thanks for sharing!! xoxo Elizabeth

  30. CINZEE: I know, i was so surprised when i saw the dogs walking around..I did a double take at one point. But when i talked to Jonathan he finally confirmed they allowed pets. :)

  31. such a lovely office!

  32. I'd love to have an office like that one day. Those Pepsi straws are genius, I need some of those in my life.


  33. AnonymousJuly 07, 2012

    What a beautiful office, he has an amazing taste. Like the blue santorini vase and pandora box.

  34. So wish J. Adler would open a store in South Fla.


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