May 25, 2012

Thanks to these Blogs.....

Hey everyone! So grateful to have all these blogs feature my work, thank you! Whether it's MadeByGirl or Cocoa & Hearts  - it's always nice to see. So, feel free to check out these blogs! 

If you featured my work within the last month or are looking to do so, email me & I'll include you in an upcoming thank you post!


  1. Thanks for the shout out!

    Cheers, Elizabeth @ The Corner Apartment

  2. AnonymousMay 26, 2012

    You're so talented Jen and deserve everyone single one of these lovely features ;)
    Thanks so much for the blog love!

  3. You are so sweet! Love love love your work! XO

  4. Thank you so much Jen, this is so sweet! XOX- Kim


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