February 10, 2012

Blogging Tips...

I've been blogging since 2006. Throughout these years I've gotten so many emails asking questions like, how did I get started blogging & what does it take to get to this point & higher? 

However, the most common question I've been asked has been:

What tips can you offer about blogging?

None. Just kidding. Tips are always useful and anyone can benefit from them if done correctly. Below are some basic ones I'll share today...

  • Create an appealing looking design for your blog 
  • Make sure your blogging about a subject your passionate about
  • Post at least 5x a week.
  • Comment on other blogs as much as time permits.
  • Be Patient when building your blog - give it time to grow
  • Don't be discouraged if you have no/few comments within the first 6 months
  • Make sure all photos posted are crisp & clear
  • Take time to respond to comments/questions whenever possible
  • Respond to emails as much as possible
  • Be ready for more emails/questions the more your blog grows
  • Be yourself
  • Before you consider selling ad space, make sure you have a relatively large following on your blog.
  • Photos are extremely important & they should be clear - not blurry. Flash photos are a no-no in my opinion! 
  • If you're blogging as a business, then you must spend time on your blog & create worthwhile posts.
  • Unique content is a big plus. People love seeing photos of your home & your DIY projects, so photograph it all if you can & post away.

A few books that I read that will definitely help you are 'Publish & Prosper', 'Blogging For Dummies' & 'Start Your Own Blogging Business'.

Hope these basic tips will help you get started on your blogging journey!

-image via valentina design


  1. Wonderful, useful and oh so lovely tips, thank you!

    Liesl :)

  2. Oooh such great tips Jen, thanks for sharing! I've been reading your blog for a LONG time and I love hearing how you got to where you are... Your blog is def one of my must reads every day!

    p.s I'm getting ready to order a love print for over my bed :-) so excited!!


  3. Thanks so much for your insider tips! xoxo

  4. Great tips Jen! Congrats on your move - Cannot wait to see your new place once you are all settled in!:)

  5. really like your list of tips Jen :D

  6. Blogging takes a lot of confidence and a lot of patience if you want to see results. I have to admit when I started blogging I was doing it for my own benefit, basically just using it as an outlet to escape the stressful and hectic college life. Once I realized that other people are actually interested in what post it gave me a boost of confidence to continue to blog about what I love.

  7. Great tips! Used the same picture in my post for today - great offering! Oh - and great minds think alike! ;)


    All the best,

  8. Great advice Jen! Thanks for always sharing and empowering others.


  9. Great tips, thanks Jen!
    Hope you're settling smoothly in NYC ;)

  10. Love your blog! Thanks for the tips!

  11. Thank you so much for this! My blogs are growing slowly but I always wonder if I am doing it right, by the looks of it I should be fine :) Just need to keep up the momentum, but thank you for reassuring me :) x Melissa

  12. Wonderful tips! I especially agree about the clear, crisp images too - so important!
    xo Allison

  13. Thanks Jen! Sometimes I don't think people realise how much hard work you have to put in to blogging and that 9 times out of 10, you don't suddenly wake up to 10000 followers!

  14. Thanks for sharing Jen, I am so glad I found your blog very helpful and informative! xo-Eunice

  15. Thank you! This is really useful.

    I enjoy blogging so much, but I've been wondering if there comes a point where you've got to ask whether it's worth continuing if others aren't enjoying reading it.

    I keep asking questions but get few comments and I've been blogging for a year now; I could work on at least 8 of those points though.

    I guess I'll try harder and review it at some stage.

  16. I am new to blogging, its been 3-4 months and I am exactly following the tips you gave. I am giving it the best time I can, and I try to be social by following other blogs and giving my best comments there. Thanks a lot for all this. It will be beneficial for everyone. :)

  17. I still do a "Wha, Whaaa??" every time I see your Follower number. Your content and style have stood the test of time.
    You are truly a model blogstress - Congrats!

  18. Those are great tips, thanks! Hope your move is going well and you're settling your new home. x

  19. Thanks for your tips Im sure these will come in handy!

  20. Such great tips....timeto spruce up my blog...

  21. Tks do much for the tips! Blogging has open a new world to me and I got to know so many interesting people! My blog is only 6 mo old so I am still a baby on this new adventure of mine!

  22. Love your list of tips. I agree wholeheartedly about the need to respond back to those who took the time to read what you wrote. I do my best in that department-- but find that often that is the part of blogging that newbies forget to do. Glad that you included it in your list.

  23. Thanks so much! I'm been blogging regularly for 7 months and it's been the most challenging thing to gain followers. I'm staying strong though and keeping with it. :)

  24. definitely helpful! the 5x a week seems a bit hard. :D

  25. Great tips, Jen! I am fairly new to blogging so this post is encouraging!


  26. Great tips for newbies and for those of us who have been at this for a while, always keep a fresh mind. Thanks for posting!

  27. Those are really great tips. I have been blogging for about 3 years now and have seenthe slow build. xoxo

  28. Great tips ! I've been blogging for almost a year and I am getting a bit discouraged, but I am going to stick with it for a bit. Maybe one day it will grow larger and larger. Thanks for all the advice ! Your blog is awesome. Good luck in the Big Apple.

  29. Thanks so much for this. Some of this I get...especially the part about being passionate about it. I found a new passion and decided robbing about it solely as a way to organize it all, not for readers or sponsors or anyone else really (though of course that helps keep me going and being somewhat professional about it). If you arent doing it because you enjoy it it's hard to stick with it.

  30. Love this, thanks so much for sharing!!

  31. Thank you so much, just the encouragement we need!

  32. This is helpful! I just started a blog and it's easy to get discouraged that no one is reading.

    How long did it take you to get a small group of followers/people commenting?

  33. Such great tips! Thanks for posting.

  34. These tips are certainly helpful for new bloggers and a great reminder for seasoned bloggers too :-) Thanks for sharing!

  35. These are great tips.. We've been at it 3 months now, and are totally hooked... It has also made me get into WAYYYY too many DIY projects after seeing so many others!
    Happy Weekend.
    Check out our give away!

  36. Thank you for that last post! You know what's funny!? I had actually been following you since day one as I did a random google search on my name which is also your name! Ironic! Haha... Well, I recently started a blog too as an outlet, however I just love all your work! It is truly inspiring!

    Again, thank you for the tips!


  37. Thanks for this useful advices!

    Love love your blog ; )


  38. Good tips! I don't think I can post 5xweek! I just manage 4!

  39. Loved reading this post Jen, I have been a loyal reader of yours for a good while now & it's lovely to read your tips :) Congrats on the success of your blog so far & look forward to seeing the progress of your new apartment!

    Ashleigh, illusiveprint.com

  40. Thank you SO much for the tips.
    I just started my blog last month, and have started to get discouraged over my lack of readers, my disorganization, etc, etc, etc...
    This post boosted my morale, and made me want to come up with new, and better, ideas to help make my blog much more cohesive, and appealing.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    And thanks for always having such a great blog overall!


  41. Great tips for us newbies!! Thanks so much!

  42. Thanks for the great tips from a pro to us newbies ! :)

  43. Just the Post I needed to see. Thanks for the pointers!

  44. I actually just started a blog yesterday, the tips are great and right on time. Good luck with your move! God bless you.

  45. Thank you for sharing the tips! I totally agree with some of them especially about the photos. I totally love your blog and your designs. You are my new inspiration
    And thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment, really appreciate it.

  46. Thanks for sharing all of these tips, Jen!
    It's so encouraging!
    Have a great weekend! ;)

  47. Thanks for these great tips, Jen! I just started my blog a few months ago and been hoping to get some exposure. You're my inspiration! Can't wait to see pics of your new place :)

  48. Thank you for these comments. I started a blog last summer and between work, school and trying to stay healthy in the gym, I've been slacking. But, as an Interior Designer-in training, I would like to use my blog as a portfolio. Awesome, awesome advice-thanks!!
    In other news, I'm so happy to see you guys made it safely to NY. Idk how far you are; but I have friends that stay on the upper west side (72nd), actually not terribly far from the Lincoln Center. Would love to go back!! :-)

  49. Great tips!


  50. This was so helpful. I started my blog about 2 months ago now and I loved your tip about blogging approx 5 times a week. I featured a post you blogged about a few weeks ago as well. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  51. Thanks for the great tips! I re-launched my blog last week, and this time I'm in it for the long haul :)

  52. Thanks for the helpful tips. I especially love the artwork you included in this post.

  53. Great tips - I love the Be Yourself one (unfortunately a lot of bloggers don't stick to this one which is sad). Thanks for your insight! x

  54. Thanks a million for these tips! Feeling much better now (only two weeks in the blogosphere....)

  55. Thanks for sharing! Huge hug! XoXo Maca

  56. That is great advise. And while I don't have quite as many followers as you I get the occasional question or two about advise. I must say the most important are subjects you are passionate about, CLEAR pictures are a must even if the background isn't that cool as long as its a quality image
    (I must admit though have used the flash on occasion eeekkk) ;), and original content is also important. Thanks for the list. How are you settling in, in NYC?


  57. Great, useful tips Jen! Thanks for sharing!

  58. JEN S. - All the things you mentioned - i agree with!
    Sometimes people will post blurry pics..and it just messes the whole post up in my opinion. If the photo won't stretch, don't post it, thats my opinion.
    Im adjusting well so far...LOVE my neighborhood and my place is really nice, thank God! thx for asking! :) How are you?

  59. Perfect timing Jen! I'm launching my blog tomorrow :) I'll definitely be doing a post on MadeByGirl and why I love it so much! I also have the picture you posted but as a print... got it from Etsy and it hangs by my bed... it's so true. Congrats on all your success as a blogger, you're such an inspiration!

  60. Thanks, Jen. Your blogging tips are so helpful!

  61. Thank you so much for sharing! I am just starting a blog and this is so helpful!


  62. Thank you for these helpful tips! I've had my blog for three months now and have had these exact thoughts on my mind!

    -Living Mannequin


  63. thank you for the great tipps!
    It´s reassuring to hear, that it may take time,until someone notice that my blog exists :)

  64. I just started my own blog. Your blog is one of my favourites!
    Check it out:


  65. Thanks for the tips Jen! These definitely help!

  66. I just want to add, when blogging a certain subject, make sure that you also capture your reader’s interest. Do not make it too personal a blog to the extent that your readers will get bored easily. Make posts that are interesting, but still capable of grabbing the attention of your readers.

    -Darryl Tay

  67. Thanks Jen for sharing this info, I'm starting a blog too and I have been working on it diligently for a month now lots of work :) I love your blog you are an inspiration, thank you !!!

  68. Such good advice. Always great to hear tip from someone with such a fabulous blog!
    x Rigel


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