October 27, 2011

Guest Post: By Bradley Agather

Hi, readers! It's Bradley from Luella & June. I'm thrilled to be guest posting while Jen spends some time in The Big Apple. I've put together a small round up of my favorite accessories around my home. You'll see quite a mix of things here - from thrift store finds to new pieces from some of my favorite online shops! I hope you enjoy!

1: This Jim Dine painting has been with me for my entire life! Literally! It was my mom's very first piece of art that she bought for herself over 30 years ago. For as long as I can remember this painting has been hanging in my bedroom. When I moved out of my parents' house after college and into my own place, this piece had to come with me. Not only is it a constant reminder of my mother, but a feeling of home as well.

2: Another kind of art in my home: books! There's really nothing I like more than a great coffee table book. I have them displayed everywhere throughout my place. I think they bring so much character a room.

3: Oh, I love the color of this bowl! It's vintage Blenko glass. I picked this one up at Lula B's here in Dallas' design district. It's one of those places where you have to dig, but there's so many treasures in there!

4: I always get asked about these pears. They were a house warming gift from my mother (she found them at Dallas' 4510). It's these kinds of pieces that I really love because they're different and add interest to the room.

5: Does a bar count as an accessory? If so, then here's a snapshot of mine. It's always important to have your bar party ready! I especially adore this python tray from Furbish.

6: I think it's clear by now that I love color, but pink is my very favorite one of them. While I kept things a bit bolder in my living room, my bathroom channels a more girly, feminine vibe. This little tray was an Etsy find from Tilly Maison.

7: I couldn't do a post on my favorite accessories and not include my most recent one: a Cocoa & Hearts painting! I am so in love with these colors. It really ties together all of the color in my bedroom. Jen actually painted 4 paintings for me, and the others are just as wonderful as this one. I'm still figuring out just the right place to hang them so you'll have to stay tuned to see them all together in one place!


  1. I love coffee table books, too! They're all in one room at the moment but I might follow your lead and (buy some more and) put them all around the house!

  2. Your place is so chic and love all the colors going on and of course the coffee table books, my favorites too!

  3. I love that Jim Dine painting that you've had your whole life! It's those kinds of things that make a house feel like home.

  4. OH do NOT waste your money on a Tilly Maison tray! It looks fine only with the light shining right on it because it conceals that it's very sloppy work, but in normal lighting it looks like a 5 year old made it. I have that one, and I wish I could return it. :(

  5. The painting is FAB! I can't believe it's 30 years old ..... it looks so current. What a great family keepsake

    Basil x

  6. I absolutely love your accessories! I've been looking for some more coffee table books as well =) Beautiful home, thank you for sharing!

  7. I work for an art dealer who represents Jim DIne and this hearts piece is BY FAR one of the best works to date... in my opinion, of course ;) Gorgeous {guest} post!

  8. I love that painting from your mom and the fact that you still have and showcase it!! It's beautiful!
    Those pillows on your couch are pretty perfect with those pears! Diva house!

  9. Thanks for all of the sweet comments!!

  10. I love Tilly Maison! Those trays are too fun.

  11. Beautiful post Bradley! Your home and all the lovely items in it looks fabulous. I am loving that tray!!
    Nancy xo

  12. I like it when we get to see snapshots into people's lives. You have beautiful unique pieces which makes your home all the more you!

  13. Great guest post. Love that her Mom's piece of art has sentimental meaning. Love books on display and I might have to snatch one of those trays for moi! xo

  14. Wonder full hearts painting! I like the way you arranged your pencils. That's just what I'm after in my dressing room.

  15. Love it all! I too like accessorizing with bright flowers and have bright pink ones on my desk. The mint julep vase is one of my favorite ways to display flowers too. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I did not know the name of those kind of books, we do not have a specific word for them, but now i can say
    I love coffee table books, too!


  17. I am totally loving the tray with the makeup brushes. And Jen's painting looks so great there! Love all the colors!

  18. Bradley, that Jim Dine painting made my heart skip a beat! It reminds me so much of my very first painting which my dad made for me when I was born - it's in the exact same style but with 3 guardian angel silhouettes - one blue, one red and one silver - representing my mom, my dad and I. On a white and silver background like this one and with pencil handwriting. I think I know where he got the inspiration from!


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com