August 18, 2011

Plenty of Inspiration on Airspace...

Where do you go to gather inspiration for your home???
For me, I like to surf different home decor sites online or hit the bookstores & check out the latest magazines. 

But I swear....lately I've been hitting Airspace. It's a site that handles locations for the film and photographic industries...& it is has a TON of photos!

I'm sure several of you are familiar with Airspace but have you actually spent time looking through it?? 

Boy oh boy...I did that the other day & realized I was on there for almost 30 min!!! 

Well, I managed to pull out some amazing inspirational images!

We all find INSPIRATION in different images for some reason, what I may like you may NOT.  But nonetheless...these are the images that really struck a cord with me!

Perhaps it's because I have a DEEP DESIRE to start another DIY in my own home! Ever get that you NEED to do something different in your home???

I think we'll be tackling my closet...there's a section that still hasn't been finished - believe it or not!!!! 

Can't wait to show you what we do when it's all done! Enjoy! 

-images via airspace


  1. Thank you so much for sharing such a fabulous source of inspiration! LOVE all of these gorgeous images you have posted!

  2. Never heard of Airspace before, loooove the pics you pulled out!

  3. Love the kitchen with the chevron floors, that and the one image with the large black & white print over the leather sofa...both so different but so awesome.

  4. i didn't know about this website till now, for interior designs I spend hours on apartment therapy it is my favorite

  5. I haven't heard of Airspace before, so thanks for sharing with us another source of great inspiration!

    Love your collection of images!


  6. Thank you for sharing these. There is something about a white interior and natural lighting that evokes a sense of calmness.

  7. Oooh thanks,I hadn't heard of this site. Off to waste some work time now!

  8. Love the dark hard wood chevron floors. Never heard of airspace. Another future obsession that will keep me up late at night I'm sure...ha!

  9. uh oh, I feel some procrastination coming on! That kitchen with the herringbone floors and green backsplash? LOVE! Looking forward to see what you come up with...

  10. Great idea...the rooms are amazing.

  11. You learn a new thing every day and that's a good to visit Airspace...thanks for sharing x

  12. Havent heard of it but so many gorgeous photos !! Will definitely check it out !


  13. Thanks for giving me another resource for beautiful images!! Can't wait to see what you're going to do next too!!

  14. Airpace is new to me, so thank you.

    I'll take those herringbone floors please!

    Good luck with the closet reno. Mine is still a total disaster :(

  15. I have to say I've nevr heard of it but I'm glad to k ow of another source for inspiration!

  16. Love all the fresh white spaces! Definitely inspirational!

    xo L.

  17. Gorgeous spaces.. i love all the books.. and the floors in the first kitchen.

  18. love all of these! thanks for sharing

  19. I adore the room with the Marilyn Monroe photos! Great picks :)


  20. Lovely post, thank you for
    Sharing, it's so sexy...xx

  21. These struck a chord with me too. Absolutely stunning, all of them. I especially like seeing all the herringbone floors - I'm planning to do that in our new kitchen. There's a similar site in the UK called Light Locations, which you might like.

  22. Love the floor in image #3 and the shelf above the bed is a unique touch in image #5. I guess it kind of acts as a funtional headboard. Great spaces.


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