July 18, 2011

Another Cocoa & Hearts Giveaway....

Another cool giveaway.......Danielle Hardy from Urban Walls is giving away one of my Cocoa & Hearts paintings!! For a chance to WIN, just enter the giveaway via her blog. Giveaway ends on July 31st !!!

-image by jen ramos


  1. I just entered! Thanks for sharing this gal's blog! I am now following her...my husband likes all the bird decals!

  2. How could she bear to give it away?! XX

  3. Thanks for sharing! I'm going there right now! I love your paintings, Jen, and I cross my fingers to win this one! I'm hosting a Catrina Sculpture Giveway, would you like to participate? Huge Hug! XoXo

  4. How much do you charge for these? So cute! I want 3 for my bedroom.

  5. CHELSEA: thx! They are on my cocoa & hearts site for $95 each... & we also have framing available if you like! ;)

  6. This is so beautiful, I love the blues...


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