March 9, 2011

Laurel's Home Tour...(Via Made By Girl)

Laurel McBurney has a super cute blog (I love visiting) called Abode Love: A man's home is his wife's castle. She also sent pics of her home back when I was requesting people to send them, & I thought it was pretty cute! I'm really happy she decided to share so much of her home on MadeByGirl ! In looking through her place I noticed LOTS of stripes... it's a pretty BOLD move don't you think?

It's actually inspiring me to want to paint some stripes in my DOG'S room! What about you? Do you like painted stripes in a home? Perhaps your own?? 

Anyhow, thank you Laurel for sharing all these pics with us! Let Lauren know what you think & feel free to jump on over to her blog here.

-images via abode love


  1. Holy amazingness going on in that house! I mean, I was totally captivated after all the color in that first picture...but WOW. The whole thing is amazing? So not fair. (c:

  2. Very pretty and very unusual! I like the stripes!

  3. love how you are doing posts on home tours!
    LOVE the stripes esp the hallways. I wish my home was all stylish like that.
    The only room I love at my house is my daughter's nursery.

  4. this house is AMAZING! love all the spaces. off to peruse some more :) thanks so much for sharing.

  5. I love the stripes and her home.

  6. I'm trying to pick my jaw up from the floor right now! Her home is amazingly beautiful, I jus love all the patterns and color! I'm checking out her blog now.

  7. These house tours are giving me so much ideas!

  8. her house is gorgeous! I absolutely love her stripes, especially the shiny silver ones!

  9. Orange and gray!!!! Love love.

  10. Oh yes I love me some stripes, esp. on curtains!

  11. when you first said there were lots of stripes, i was completely unsure how it would work, but somehow it does! this house is beautiful :)

  12. I am a big fan on stripes and these pictures just reaffirmed why I love them so much. One of the best homes featured thus far. :)

  13. I love Abode Love! So many aspects of her home I love.

  14. Loves it! Already a flollower beacouse of you Jen :)

  15. I love stripes so I really loved this home tour, but what I really liked was the black walls in the kitchen. Dramatic and unexpected - has me thinking that maybe I need some black to go with my white kitchen...

  16. I kinda love that her Twilight books are in with her china..

  17. Wow! This home is amazing! I wouldn't usually love this many stripes...but she did it beautifully and it totally works! I love your blog...all these home tours are totally inspiring!

  18. Oh I love it! I especially love the man cave and all the football references:) Such a neat way to make a man cave that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb from the rest of the house!

    I'm going to be sad when your home tours end!

  19. This house has all of those finishing touches that I have yet to add to mine! Makes me jealous ;) I'm also pretty sure it would make my man super happy to have a huge football photo in the sitting room, and it looks really good there so everybody wins!

    xx Cristina

  20. Gorgeous! I love all of the stripes!! And all of her chairs are fab!

  21. I'm in love with her stripe walls! And her color pallet throughout the house.


  22. This is automatically my favorite home tour b/c of all the Auburn University details!!!

    War Eagle!


  23. OMG I loved Laurel's pics. Honestly looking at all these wonderful decorating ideas just makes me want to re-decorate my entire home and give it a fresh new look but I can't. Anyhoot I thought she did a great job with the stripes. Could I do it, hmmm not sure but I loved what she did with it. Thanks for sharing Jen and I will def check out her blog. Hope you can stop by mine as well at

    Gods Speed

  24. I love wide strips in a home...but I don't think I'd be able to put them in my own home!.

  25. WOW !! Definitely one of my favourites. There are too many amazing things to comment on.

  26. I love the arrangement of prints around the tv in the media room - I'm totally inspired to try that now!

    Haley @ Cardigan Junkie

  27. Ooh, love it! I like how it can mix things like football paintings and fresh flowers and look awesome. Are those metallic painted stripes on the walls?

  28. Beautiful house and very elegant as well.I still can figure out that I'm going to paint my wall with stripes but this is an amazing inspiring one.

  29. Love the colors and the style. so many amazing ideas! would love to have a house like that!

  30. Absolutely amazing! Love it! Right from the lucite chair to the striped walls! Fantastic! x

  31. Hey Jen! Thank you SO much for all of the kind words! I have been blushing all morning- you are just too sweet! (And all of your followers are too!) Thanks for the post- it made my week, month and perhaps year!


  32. I love the eclectic yet polished look of her home! It's often hard to find the right balance. And I can't get enough of the orange accents! Beautiful!

  33. Love all of the goldy and orangy accents in this one!

  34. There really ARE lots of stripes! But I think it looks great!

  35. I don't think you can ever have too many stripes! This is the perfect example. Thanks for sharing!

  36. love love love..... :-))yellow drapes and lamp are my fav... and the rest of the house.

  37. I love the stripes! What is the darker stripe color? It looks like it might be bronze, because it has a metallic sheen, but I am not sure.

  38. Love the stripes, I've been trying to get up the nerve to do something similar for months!

  39. I've loved it since the first picture! It became on of my favorites!! I Love Stripes too!!

  40. Pretty house. I love the striped hallway!
    xo Trina

  41. The stripes are fantastic! I don't know if I could do it as well as they did! Love this home tour...

  42. Love that restoration trunk/coffee table!

  43. I am loving the stripes. It is such a bold statement, but once you take the risk, it makes such a beautiful impact on any space!

  44. I cannot get enough of these home tours ! I think I have gone through every one on your blog ! They are so inspiring and fun to look at. Keep them coming please !! :)

  45. i want this to be mine!


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