May 4, 2010

Crumbs Bake Shop....Cosmo Cupcake!

If you're anywhere near West 40th street in New York & looking for a cupcake shop, try Crumbs. I've been hearing only good things about this bake shop. A couple of my friends have been there & have enjoyed the experience of biting into their SUPER moist cupcakes! 

As I've said before, we desperately need a good quality, home-made cupcake shop here in Las Vegas, one that doesn't serve you DRY CUPCAKES(Some of you may know which shop I am talking about.....hmmmm).  Anyhow, on my next visit to the NYC, I will make a point to stop at Crumbs & try their Cosmo cupcake. I don't think it has any relation to the actual cosmo drink pretty! 

images via crumbs bake shop


  1. AnonymousMay 04, 2010

    Wow, those cupcakes look awesome! Please let us know if you have one over at!

  2. Those cupcakes would make the trip to NY worth it alone. I'll make a point of heading there next time I'm in the big apple.

  3. They look delicious Jen! I love the look of the Oreo cupcake, what a cool idea! xx

  4. i'm a HUGE cupcake lover... this is very dangerous!! :)

  5. These are so pretty!! I would love to try one, one day I will make it to NY!!

  6. OMG!! OMG!!! OOOMMMMGGG..!!

  7. oh my goodness those look A-mazing! they are works of art!!

  8. These are my all time favorite cupcakes! They are a treat I try and get every time I'm in the city. The now have two location in the suburbs of NYC so I can get them whenever I like.

    All the favors are amazing!

  9. I have a Crumbs very near my home. The are good, but when you're in NYC I suggest Billy's Bakery!

  10. I am drooling, I love a good cupcake!

  11. I was just there at Crumbs while visiting my son in NYC and I bought several cupcakes but the one that I loved the most was the Good Guy cupcake. It's white with vanilla icing with sprinkles on top and OMG it was to die for.

  12. While I like Crumbs (they're cookies are actually even better than their cupcakes!), there are waaaay better cupcake places in NYC to check out. Next time you're in town, consult with me. ;)

  13. Yes, Crumbs is good. But Buttercup Bake Shop and Serendipity are also just as yummy.

  14. Whoa! I will definitely be stopping there when I'm in NYC in a few weeks. Thanks for the tip! Yum!

  15. AnonymousMay 04, 2010

    Love Crumbs! They have the most amazing Red Velvet cupcakes. I used to work a few block from their Bryant Park location (dangerous)- it's a good thing there are a couple thousand miles between me and temptation now ;)

    If you hit NYC, try Magnolia Bakery- they started the cupcake craze way back when...

  16. Oh MY! Those look so good!

  17. Oh my goodness... those look delicious!

  18. Okay...they are addicting. They've opened a few on Long Island as well. I had my first taste of this sweetness with the mini red velvet cupcake--the one you have pictured lower left. It's amazing and my mouth is watering just thinking about it. I've tried "copy-cat" red velvets since match whatsoever!

  19. YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM!!!! They look amazing!

  20. those cupcakes look ridiculously amazing!

  21. Crumbs is awesome, especially the size of the cupcakes — the prices, well let's say it's truly an indulgence. I've done a feature on them on my Love + Dreams website. But they're pretty much all over NYC now. I prefer the one on University in Union Square, next to Bank of America. The staff there is awesome! The one in the Village is pretty cool too near NYU.

    The other place I dig cupcakes from is the, they're usually all around the city and their bite size cupcakes are too cool for words! They always seem to pop-up when I need one lol.

  22. When I was in NY I went everyday!

  23. DS MS SHOO-
    Oh that's good to know, Union Square area would be my choice....I didnt even know there was more than one. :))) Thanks!

  24. INKFUL: Magnolia is definitely one ive wanted to visit for years...but every time i went by there was a long line! They must really be worth it...maybe one day...! Thanks!

  25. Wow they look good! Wish I wasn't on the other side of the world...

  26. oooo, yes. My favorite is the Tiramisu. I had to scale back on the trips to Crumbs though, which is hard since one is soooo close to my apartment!

  27. It's funny how such simple things can get us so excited. They are just so fun to look at!

  28. CRUMBS is a MUST~ every time i go to the city i have to have some. they are dreamy, the bryant park is another lovely flavor!

  29. Born and raised NY'er here...longtime reader of your blog.

    Crumbs rules. Magnolia Bakery, I'm sorry, unless you are a crack addict, their cupcakes are just a pile of sugary glob mess. After their debut on "Sex and The City" people just flocked there, but IMO the cupcakes still didn't taste better, they are horrible!

    Crumbs does ship so maybe you can try them out. Just make sure you are home; I once ordered a Juniors Cheesecake to my cousin and the UPS guy NEVER rang her bell. It sat overnight in their offices, it had defrosted and was horrible when it was delivered (two days late).

  30. There is one in LA too, and that's a lot closer to LV! :)

  31. My mother sent me some for my birthday this year...and they were everything you heard, amazing. AND BIG!

  32. oooh, i am definitely putting this on my list of summer dates. the boyfriend will just have to cope!

  33. I LOVE CRUMBS. There are quite a few in NYC now, but I used to work just an avenue away from one AND from Magnolia bakery... let's just say, we ate cupcakes A LOT. Crumbs makes huge cupcakes (I love the Oreo one!) and they also make mini ones, too. AMAZING.

  34. AnonymousMay 06, 2010

    Hello from Brazil!!!
    I wanna have all of them!!! They look delicious!!

  35. I used to be obsessed and then they opened up on every corner in the city, I got a hyperglycemic attack, went into Diabetic Ketoacidosis and can not even walk to close to that store. But, they are amazing if you eat only like 1/4 of one!

  36. The neon one is actually the Oprah, but I think my fav is their little mini 12 packages (you get to try 12 different kinds!)

    The only downfall? In NYC any restaurant with more than 10 locations has to put the calories on all food items (GASP!)

  37. It's always good to meet a fellow cupcake-lover! Check out our blog!


  38. these cupcakes look amazing. almost too pretty to eat! almost.


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