May 29, 2009

Sixx Design.....thanks for the book!

Yesterday was such a cool mailbox day! Thanks to Cristina for sending 'Downtown Chic' my way! This book is great! It's about a couple with 6 kids, who run a design firm called' Sixx Design'. They began their work more than 10 years ago by renovating old fixer-uppers in New York City (mainly Chelsea area). They had no idea this would lead to their extremely successful business, Sixx Design. I adore their style & their affinity to find amazing pieces of artwork. I highly recommend their book, 'Downtown Chic, if you love interiors & design as much as I do!

Here's a great video on the couple explaining how they buy art.

Cushion beneath the book is by Brook from: LittleLegWarmers


  1. AnonymousMay 29, 2009

    Looks like a cool book to me...

  2. I agree! Buy what you love!! Don't worry about where it will go... You will find a spot, or make a spot for the things you care about :)

  3. ohh I'm so excited to get their book! Thanks for sharing! It's the first time I've gone to their site, and I just love their work!!

  4. Hello, I have just found your blog and it is awesome! So inspirational! Amazing collection of everything beautiful! Really enjoying it!

  5. This book looks super fun. I am so picking this up.

  6. I went the other day to get this book and Border's near did not carry it...only online. I'll have to try Barnes and Noble or Amazing what they have done though and with six kids! hahaha

  7. I LOVE Sixx design - I thought they were one of the most exciting, refreshing designers I'd seen in ages. I love the mix of periods, styles and lots of art and antiques.
    This is definitely a must read!

  8. This book sounds fantastic!

  9. I read about these two in the NY Times and think they're totally awesome. As if having six kids wasn't a job in itself...AND they're super stylish/innovative!

  10. AnonymousMay 30, 2009

    Love your blog...
    got turned onto it by a few friends. This is a great book! Should make for a great weekend read.

  11. I just wanted to let you know that I have awarded your blog the 'One Lovely Blog' award!

    Stop by my blog to pick up your award!!

  12. AnonymousMay 31, 2009

    Awesome book. Does anyone know where you can get the light on the front cover? I have never seen something like this in the UK?


  13. Alwaya always buy what you love, I do.

  14. Wow Jennifer! I have to confess (ooops, *blush*) it's been a while since my last visit! You are doing amazing things! Charge ON!! And thank you for posting that video-- good knowledge for so many of us!

    I saw your kind compliment about "Basking Blue" on Laura Trevey's blog tonight and... I may be too late (many apologies if I am), but I thought I'd let you know that, I too, am holding a giveaway! But... it ends tonight at midnight (CA time). So... if you get this in time and would like to see if your luck is BIG enough to win both the photo and Laura's painting of it (or even just to enter to win "Basking Blue") just leave a comment on my latest blog post before Cinderella's carriage turns into a pumpkin!

    And many thanks for your kind words!

  15. What an artsy place, I love the pink basket with mags! Great idea!!

  16. Judging this book by it's cover I would love it!

  17. i can't wait to add this book to my collection some day!
    they actually have seven kids now, can you believe it?


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