October 29, 2008

My gift to myself from .....Elizabeth & James.

Ok, so I've been working hard and the Holidays are coming....I think I deserve to get myself a little something nice. I normally don't overspend and if I don't have the money in my bank account, I don't use my credit card! However, I decided instead of a handbag which I blogged about here, I would treat myself to this 'Elizabeth and James' Knuckle ring. It was designed by Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen (yes, those twins), but those two are quite the fashion icons. I LOVE their jewelry line and this ring was no exception. It retails for $198 in sterling silver & $155 in a golden color, and was supposedly modeled after a vintage piece costing thousands of dollars! A stylist told me once that if you buy casual key pieces that go with any outfit, you can enjoy those items more often. Accessories are perfect key items to do this with! I first saw the E & J ring on the Fashion Toast blog and I love this girl's style!! Here she is below wearing the ring. AND yes, it is sterling silver!

* Here I am below wearing mine.

*(Below, one of the Olsen twins, wearing her design on hand).


  1. so cool! i've seen rumi wear hers and i always wonder, is it very comfortable? do you have to get used to it?

  2. Smart girl, you have chosen so well, the ring is 1100000 times more special than the bag.
    And you are both so beautiful bloggers!!!!!!

  3. i love it! what a great ring and statement piece.

  4. Hi Holly,

    I'm still trying to get used to it, Ive been wearing if for a couple days now. Its a little heavy but its nothing that is going to affect my hand movement hehe
    I like it!

  5. Thanks Karina ....your so sweet! :)

  6. Thank you Euni..i think so too! : )
    AND...WELCOME to my blog by the way.

  7. great ring! the girls were on oprah this week and i noticed one of them wearing it - it's gorge!

  8. wow, very very cool. i love it!

  9. fabulous purchase!!!!its deffinetely a statement making piece of ring :)

  10. so so so much better than a bag. love it love it.

  11. Wow it is really cool. One of those pieces you could wear forever! Oh and thinking about your spending habits.. I wish I could be more like you.. I overspend a lot on clothes and afterwards I tend to regret it ;)

  12. Ooooh! I like it! It's very cool!

  13. thx sweety! you've a lovely blog...to my fav's of course!!

  14. wow! --- that is gorgeous!; thank you for sharing.
    I really admire you jennifer --- I just started a small business and I hope to one day be as successful as you are! --- I'm learning so much each day and running a business is not an easy thing... specially when I'm still working full time during the day... I feel exhausted all the time!!!... but I wouldn't change a thing, this journey have been very fulfilling!

  15. I caught the oprah show and have been dying to see their line in person. Very cool pick, I know you'll get tons of wear out of it!

  16. Where can you purchase the ring.
    So beautiful.

  17. beautiful ring!

    oh and this has nothing to do with this post, but i've been a long time fan of your blog and i know how much you love union jack graphics... have you seen the union jack tapestry at urban outfitters? its only $36!


  18. your blog is really fantastic.

  19. LOVE this ring! I am in Vegas too...do you have a store in town or is it just on etsy?

  20. So cute! I'm so glad you posted those pics because I was wondering why it was one size fits all...I thought it might have so cheap adjustable back but that looks pretty sturdy. I love it!


  21. Oooh I forgot I have one of these rings I bought several years ago, I need to dust that baby off. They are a bit awkward to wear, but they are pretty badassical.

  22. too cool!! i love it...and yes, that girl sure has great style - its so LA isnt it?

  23. I love it! looks great on you :)

  24. Hiya Lisa,
    I wish I had an actual storefront...but I only sell on ETSY and via my online shop:


    Thanks! : )

  25. Hey Amber,
    Yes I snapped a photo of the back of the ring so people can see that its not cheap...it is pretty sturdy and comfortable...and it adjusts to your finger size quite well!

  26. ERIN, THANK YOU!!!! that Union Jack Tapestry from UO is beautiful and affordable. : )

  27. i have one that is very similar...
    I will post a pic asap

  28. hey there!

    I have one that is similar, bought it in chicago, can send you a pic.

  29. You paid $200 for this? Serious? Is it even Sterling? You can get that for less then $10 on St. Marks in NY. Your manicure is worth more.

  30. I did pay $200... I don't normally buy pricey items for myself...but this was a gift to MYSELF for the all the hard work I've done wth my biz and for the Holidays!! : ) AND yes it is sterling silver, of course.

    : )))))))

  31. p.s. I LIVED in NYC for years and I know St. marks pretty well...and I don't recall seeing a knuckle ring like this one...but thanks. : P

  32. wonderful present from you to you

  33. I love love this ring, it's almost a bit dangerous lol.

    On an unrelated note, you have very graceful hands :)

  34. FYI:In Brooklyn,you can find those rings from just about any Muslim street vendor for $15-$25.If they don't have it,they'll gladly order one for you.I used to own one some years ago,then my kids lost it but it was easy to get another.A great place is this small jewelry store called Casbah on Nevins Street (between Atlantic and State Sts.) in Brooklyn.His jewelry is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  35. That's all good Bohemmia..but it would cost me about $350 for a ticket to Nyc + the ring price...so thats more than what I paid for..hmmm
    Thanks anyhow : ) Maybe next time Im in NYC will go by there.

  36. Beautiful post :)


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