May 6, 2008

My Green CHIC book.

On a more important front, I am still reading this amazing little book called "Green Chic" Saving the Earth in Style by Christie Matheson that was sent to me by Carrie of Sourcebooks. You can get your copy via Amazon. This book is straightforward. Carrie delivers great tips & speaks to us as if she were speaking to her girlfriends. Unfortunately, I only have limited time to read between all my work. However, here are a few SIMPLE TIPS I wanted to share with you all IN THE HOPES of each of you making a change.

  • Change a Light bulb - even if you don't change them all I recommend you changing the ones you use the most often.
  • Pop little purchases in your purse - basically means decline those plastic bags they give you for something as small as a lipstick or a compact. Toss it in your purse instead, thats what I do. We all should know by now, that plastic bags aren't good for the environment.
  • Unplug unsightly chargers- So, as soon as your cell phone charges, disconnect it. I admit I don't always remember to do this one, but I can also say that I've disconnected a lot more than I used to. That makes me feel better, because as I've mentioned the little effort you make adds up.
  • Clean Green- Use cleaning products that are more earth friendly, free of synthetic chemicals. I highly recommend Green Works or Method. These cleaning agents work great! I think you can get Green works at Whole foods & even Walmart. Method you can pick up at Whole Foods Market. More to come!


  1. thanks for your comment!

    by the way, I love your designs! Your shop has been one of my "favorites" for a while!

    All the best!

  2. thanks Ana! Glad to hear... : )

  3. great suggestion. love your shop - i just visited for the 1st time.

    p.s. - the pillow you are lying against in your header banner...i bought the same one earlier in the week for my sisters birthday.

  4. AnonymousMay 07, 2008

    Ew!! The whole charger thing drives me nuts. I just don't like like the site of cables out and about.

  5. I actually follow all of these tips except the unplugging chargers one. Eeeks!

    Method is also sold at Target. I love their line of cleaning products!

  6. Hey Amy,
    Yes the pillows are by Karen Hilton Designs! they are good choice for a gift. : )

  7. TO Stacie & Marilyn,
    The charger thing I forget every so often too, I admit. I manage to ALWAYS remember to unplug my flat iron though...As for the cables, the idea was to place the charger in a dresser drawer beside the bed if you have one.... : ) If that doesn't work..try offsetting by doing something else that may help reduce your energy consumption within your home. : )


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at